24 ┃ 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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As the backstage area becomes a blur around you, Taehyung's arms tighten, lifting you off the ground in a celebratory spin, your laughter mingling with his in a shared bubble of joy. His voice is warm, a melodic whisper close to your ear, "I knew you could do it," he says, his laughter vibrating through you. As the spinning slows, you find yourselves locked in a gaze, the world around fading to a distant hum.

Your feet touch the ground again, but you hardly notice, caught in the gravity of Taehyung's gaze. The space between you narrows, each breath you take seems to draw him closer. His breath, a warm caress against your face, sends shivers down your spine. Your heart pounds so loudly you're convinced he can hear it, its rhythm syncing with the lingering notes of your shared performance.

Just a breath away, his gaze drops to your lips, then back to your eyes, a silent question hanging in the air. Before the two of you can kiss, you instinctively turn your head, his lips brushing against your cheek instead.

The moment is suspended, a mix of surprise and bashfulness enveloping you both. Putting space between you, Taehyung and you share a moment of awkward laughter, the tension dissipating into the air.

"Uh, I should probably go get changed... and get back to the crowd," Taehyung stammers, a flush creeping onto his cheeks, mirroring your own.

You nod, words jumbling out in a clumsy rush, "Yeah, yeah, good idea, go... do that."

He lingers for a heartbeat longer, his eyes flitting to yours again, laden with unsaid words, before he turns to leave. As he walks away, you catch him throwing glances over his shoulder, each look sending a flurry of butterflies through your stomach.

Standing alone now, you touch the spot on your cheek, the warmth of his breath still lingering on your skin. The mixed feelings of relief and disappointment tangle inside you, leaving you to wonder about the 'what ifs' as the backstage area slowly empties, and the echoes of applause fade into a distant memory.

Still basking in the afterglow of everything, your solitude is shattered as Alex approaches you. Her expression is a mix of contrition and unease. "Hey, I... I just, uh, wanted to say congratulations," she begins, her voice tinged with a forced cheerfulness that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

You nod, wary but polite, as she steps closer. "Thank you, Alex," you reply, maintaining a cautious distance. After a brief pause, a pang of empathy nudges you to add, "And I'm sorry that things didn't turn out as you hoped with the YaNi role. I know you were really excited about it."

Alex's demeanor shifts, a playful squeal escaping her as she waves off your apology. "Oh, don't worry about that! I'm just glad to have been part of the journey, you know? Plus, you were absolutely amazing out there!" Her excitement seems genuine, but there's a flicker of something else in her eyes; she leans in, a mischievous grin spreading across her face, her voice a mix of admiration and something darker, more sinister. "Really, I mean it. And that little moment between you and Taehyung," she teases, nudging you playfully. "...it was something out of a fairy tale."

Before you can react, she envelops you in a hug, but the warmth you'd expect is missing. "...Still... That should have been me," she murmurs as she she clings to you, her voice turning cold, venom laced with every word.

You stiffen, taken aback by the sudden shift.

She pulls back, her eyes locking with yours, and the mask falls away, revealing the raw, unfiltered jealousy and bitterness. "I recognized that jacket, you know, from the fan-meeting," she confesses, her voice laced with resentment. "I knew it was yours the moment I saw Taehyung wearing it on one of his Twitter posts. I couldn't believe it... that you, of all people, were connected to him."

Your heart begins to race, a sense of dread washing over you as Alex's revelations unfold.

"I couldn't stand it," she continues, her words coming out faster and her voice rising, fueled by a festering anger. "At first, I refused to believe that you two could be dating, clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, you weren't together. But then the email leak happened. And just the thought of you, so close to him, to all of this... I knew I had to do something."

You're speechless, your mind racing to piece together her words.

"I was the one pushing Han-jiyoo to go to HYBE. I was the one to suggest that they tighten security, hoping it would trip you up, make things harder for you. I even nudged those... those stupid fucking fans, hinting about the connection to the jacket, hoping to stir the pot... I wanted to see you fall, to take your place beside Taehyung."

"And it almost worked," she snarled with piercing eyes, stepping back as her mask completely sheds. "But somehow, you still ended up here, in the spotlight, with him. You still got your fairy tale ending, while I'm left with nothing." Her voice cracks, a mix of fury and defeat. "I refuse to let this stand, you know. Your little fairy tale... it won't last. I'll make sure of it," Alex hisses, venom in her voice as she turns to storm off.

But before she can leave, a sharp voice stops her in her tracks. "What did you just say?" Yoongi's voice, icy and filled with barely contained fury, echoes in the otherwise quiet backstage area.You turn to see Yoongi stepping from the shadows, his eyes fixed on Alex with a glare that could freeze fire. "I knew there was something off about you," he spits out, advancing toward her with a determined stride.

Alex's composure breaks, her voice sharp with desperation. "Stay out of this, Yoongi! It's none of your business!" she snaps.

Yoongi's eyes narrow, and he steps closer, his presence commanding. "When it involves my family, it becomes my business," he retorts, glancing at you, emphasizing the word 'family' with a protective edge.

He doesn't hold back, his voice tinged with disdain. "Desperate, aren't you? All that scheming, all that plotting, and for what? To fail miserably in the end?" He shakes his head, a mix of anger and pity in his eyes.

Alex's eyes flash with a mix of defiance and desperation as she scrambles for some semblance of dignity, facade beginning to crack. "I did what I had to do! You don't understand what it's like, always being the second choice, always in the background!" she spits out, her voice quivering with a cocktail of emotions.

With a venomous glare directed at you, she hisses, "And you! You just waltz in and steal the spotlight without even trying. What makes you so special, huh?"

Yoongi steps between you and Alex, his posture radiating protectiveness. "Enough," he commands, his voice brooking no argument. "Don't make this about her. I've seen a lot in this industry, but you..." He trails off, shaking his head with a scoff. "You're a new low," he continues, his voice dropping to a low, menacing growl.

Yoongi leans in closer, his gaze fixed on Alex. "You orchestrated this entire thing. Planned it all out, only to end up humiliating yourself in front of everyone. Pathetic." He sneers, letting out a humorless chuckle. "The delusion is strong with you. Taehyung wouldn't never even touch someone as desperate and manipulative as you with a ten-foot pole."

Yoongi's words hit a nerve; at the mention of Taehyung, something snaps within Alex. Face contorted with rage, she lets out a banshee shriek and lunges at him, nails bared. Before she could actually land a hit, security guards materialized seemingly out of thin air, alerted by the commotion. They move with practiced efficiency, quickly restraining a thrashing and screeching Alex.

They grasp her arms, restraining her as she continues to hurl insults and threats, her eyes locked on you. "This isn't over! It's not fair! He should be mine!" she screeches, struggling against the security's firm grip.

Yoongi watches coldly as she's escorted away, her desperate cries echoing off the walls. Once she's out of sight, he turns to you, his expression softening. "Are you okay?" he asks, his concern genuine; Yoongi's hand is warm on your shoulder, grounding you as you try to process the rapid unraveling of events. "It's over now," he assures you, his voice steady and calm. "She won't be able to harm you or anyone else."

You nod, feeling a mix of relief and residual shock. "I just... I never saw it coming," you admit, your voice a mere whisper.

He gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze. "People like her are good at hiding their true intentions. But remember, you're not alone. We're all here for you," Yoongi says, his gaze sincere.

The backstage area slowly regains its usual controlled chaos. The earlier tension dissipates, replaced by the quiet hum of roadies dismantling equipment. Suddenly, a familiar voice pierces the newfound calm, "Y/N!"

You look up to see Seora barreling towards you, her face etched with worry. Your father follows close behind, his expression uncharacteristically grim.

Relief washes over you as you throw your arms around Seora in a tight hug. She holds you for a long moment, her hold a silent expression of comfort and support. Finally, you pull back, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Seora, you won't believe what just happened," you stammer, the events of the past few minutes tumbling out in a rush.
As you recount the entire ordeal to them, every word of Alex's demented plan, Seora's face contorts with rage. Her eyes narrow into slits, and she clenches her fist so tightly her knuckles turn white.

"Oh, on God and on my mama, I'm about to fuck Ji-yoo up! Fucking sell-out," she hisses, her voice barely a whisper. Just as quickly, the fire in her eyes softens, replaced by a wave of protectiveness; she pulls you into another hug, burying her face in your hair. "I can't believe you had to go through all that," she mutters, her voice thick with emotion. "Just ridiculous."
Your father steps forward, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. His expression is a mask of steely resolve. "Don't worry, Y/N," he says, his voice firm. "We'll handle this. Alex will not get away with this."

He cups your face, his touch gentle yet firm. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, his eyes filled with a father's unwavering love and protectiveness. "We'll make sure she's held accountable," he continues, his voice leaving no room for argument. "This isn't over."

"Thank you guys, for being here." In that moment, surrounded by the people who matter most, you feel a surge of gratitude. Despite the chaos, you're reminded that you're not alone, bolstered by the support of your loved ones, ready to face whatever comes next with them by your side.

━•༓☾ ❝ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐀/𝐍 ❞ ☽༓•━

***not alex being the bad guy...whaaa??? DUN DUN DUUUNNNNNNN!

(no hoods attached)
idol!taehyung x fem!reader



ᴠᴏᴛᴇ 💛 / ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ💜 / ѕнᴀʀᴇ 💙


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