Part 8

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Pha and Kit can relate why their boyfriends are here, at medical faculty, but Forth?

Beam ask Forth why he is here but Forth just responds to it by wearing his helmet on Beam's head and pull the smaller man with him, leaving the dumbfounded men there.

"Forth, where are we going?" ask Beam and try to pry off his hand from Forth. People are staring and he doesn't like it at all.

"We are going to supermarket" answer Forth when they reach the bike. Forth get on it and wait for Beam.

Beam not easily scared but bike is one of few things he scared off. Beam keep standing there, still not moving, in his head he keep repeating that he will never ever ride it.

"hurry up" force Forth and pull Beam closer. Beam can't say anything more and climb it carefully.

Forth smirks and take Beam's hand to put around his waist. It's not like because he wants it, it's Beam that scared so much.

Beam ignores the fact that his arms around Forth because he is really scared. But silently he thanks Forth for driving it slowly and carefully. He knows how they usually ride their bikes. Not this slow.

"ok. We are here" Forth parks his bike and help Beam to take off the helmet. It's look like a shampoo commercial when Beam take off the helmet and shakes his head, damn! Beam sure is beautiful. Forth has to avoid his eyes.

Forth clears his throat and take the helmet and put it on his bike. They enter the supermarket together and Beam take a trolley with him.

Forth just follow from side, he never do this before so he just follow Beam.

"anything your friends like to eat?" ask Beam while choosing some vegetables that Forth doesn't even know they are exist.

"they eat everything that edible" answer Forth, still mesmerised with the vegetables that have various colours. In his mind, vegetables is green.

"ok. I will cook tom yam and few side dishes. What you want to eat?" ask Beam to Forth.

Forth smiles and show a big crab in the container. He wants to eat it a lot right now.

"king crab? How you want to eat it?" Beam ask Forth and come closer to the tank.

Forth pulls the trolley and push it to Beam. Beam is choosing a few crabs for Forth.

"steam it and dip in sauce. I like it in porridge, Mae always cook it for me" answer Forth.

Beam choose 5 crabs, what Forth wants to eat is easy to cook, so he will cook for Forth's friends too.

They buys a lot of things and Forth push their trolley. They really look like a married couple right now. Forth pulls Beam to follow him to snack area. He needs to buy lots of it.

Beam only can shakes his head looking at his husband buy tons of snacks.

"hey Forth, we came here with the bike. Can we bring all that?" ask Beam seriously.

Forth looks at their stuffs in the trolley and he frowns. They can't bring it all back. Forth wants to put the snacks back but Beam stop him. Forth really is sad right now.

"I will take taxi and go home. You can follow me from behind. Okay?"

"but, we came together..."

"it's easier that way. Just follow from behind" state Beam once again and Forth nods his head.

They go to counter and Forth pays all the bills. Beam gives his money but Forth rejects it like usual.

Beam takes cab and Forth follows from behind till the reach their room.

Forth helps Beam to bring all of the groceries to his rooms. When they arrived, Beam go directly to kitchen and arrange the stuff they bought. Forth stands on the side and just help what he can which is not much.

Beam is fast and neat in everything he does, because of Beam his room looks really clean, neat and awesome. They even plant a few plants on the veranda. They also have an aquarium, Beam loves trees and fishes.

"I want to cook now, want to help?" ask Beam to Forth, Forth grins and shakes his head, he can't do anything about cooking, all he knows is eat and wash dishes.

"I will wash dishes later. You can cook alone right? But if you need my hopeless help, sure" Beam smiles thinly and nod his head understand. He watched Forth cook once and he swear Forth will kill himself if Beam wasn't there that time.

"help me wash vegetables, can you?" ask Beam and Forth looks happy that he can help

"sure" Forth runs to sink to start washing.

Beam needs to observes and make sure Forth do everything in right way. Forth is a hassle right now but Beam doesn't want to say that, Forth is working hard. Even the vegetables lose to Forth. The vegetables die already. The vegetables face double death.

"go and take a bath or something. Your friends will come soon" orders Beam without looking at Forth. He is not sure who to pity, Forth or the vegetables.

"told you I can't do anything in kitchen beside eating" Forth is pouting and Beam laugh at how childish Forth is right now.

Beam finished everything, yeah, it take less time without Forth but he still can manage. Beam serve the food on the table and take a shower. Forth is playing games alone, maybe sulking.

Beam gets ready, Forth watch Beam up and down, Beam looks too good right now. It's not like someone important is coming, just his friends.

"hey, change clothes" order Forth and make Beam frowns.

"why?" ask Beam confused, he looks okay

"just wear normal clothes. It's better" comment Forth short.

Beam ignores Forth and at the right moment the door knocked. Beam told Forth to open the door and he serves the drink.

"wow Beam! So many food. You really cook for us!" Max is really happy right now, he wants to hug Beam but Forth smacks his head first.

"damn! I can't wait to eat. Here, fruits" offers Tul, he buys it as a gift. They don't know what to buy.

"you come here for hundreds time already and just today you bring gift?" ask Forth with unsatisfied face.

"uh, talk so much. When we can eat?" ask Park, can't wait anymore, he is drooling.

"wait for Pha, Kit and their boyfriends" answer Beam.

After a while those four arrived, even they brought gift. They start to eat and talk.

Beam and Forth's friends become friends too. It's like everyone enjoy their moment together tonight. The food is good too.

"thanks for food Beam" Lam and Park hugs Beam before they go back. Max and Tul said thank you and left too.

Beam's friends still enjoy the left food, Ming and Wayo is playing games.

"your friends want to stay or what?" ask Forth. Beam chuckles and take the dirty plates to the sink.

"go and talk to your friends. I will handle it" Beam just follows what Forth told him.

He talks with his friends but he can't focus much, Forth is making noises in kitchen.

"go home guys. I need to watch Forth. He might kill himself" said Beam and they laugh but they walk to the door.

"thank you for the delicious food" said Wayo and hug Beam. Beam smiles and waves to them before closing the door.

Beam enter the kitchen and he can't stop laughing when he saw Forth's face. Full of bubbles, on top his head too.

"don't laugh!" scolds Forth.

Beam shakes his head and leave Forth alone. Forth can manage. Maybe?

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