Part 35

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Beam and Forth have four days left for holidays and they decide to take a short vacation for both of them before they go back to their uni. Beam will has practical and Forth will be busy with his final year project.

Forth is fully recover but Beam strongly against him riding his bike again. They even fought about it that Forth's parent need to interfere to solve it.

At the end Forth can keep using his bike but he needs to be extra careful and if an accident occur again, Forth will lose his bike and he agreed. He loves his bike so much, it will not be easy to lose it easily.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?" Forth grabs Beam's hand in his, Beam is staring at the star silently.

"Us" answer Beam slowly, kind of whispering.

"what are you thinking about?" Forth pulls Beam's shoulder to make Beam look at him, Beam has a sad eyes and Forth can guess what Beam actually think right now.

"Forth, I can't get pregnant. I can't give you kids like Phi May and Phi Pink" Forth is surprised, he thought Beam think about his bike but he is wrong. Totally wrong. What makes Beam think about that.

"Hey, someone said something to you?" Forth is worried, he never discuss about this stuff before.

"No. No one" Beam shakes his head. He hugs Forth closely, he needs the warmth, he feels better knowing their heart are close to each other.

"What make you think about it?" ask Forth softly

"I don't know, I saw how much your parent love their grandkids. I thought, maybe they want grandkids that look like you too, I want it too" mutters Beam.

Forth takes some time to digest all the things Beam said.

"Even I want to have kids look like you too Beam" answer Forth and Beam can't believe what he heard, Forth think about the same thing with him.

"If men can get pregnant, I'm willing to carry our kid Beam. I want a kid that look like us too."

Beam looks up to Forth, it's really surprising for him, he thought he is the wife in their marriage, he feels warm inside that Forth never labelled him like that.

"We can adopt and we can find a kid that resembles us. We will find it no matter where are they. I don't even care if they are not from Thailand"

Beam chuckles a bit, Forth is really serious but he don't know whether something like that can happen.

"are you sure? What if they live in Africa?"

"we still can adopt them if both of us like it. Beam, some couple out there adopt and they are happy. I don't want you to think about it so much. If my parent want grandkids from me, they will never choose you as my partner. All they want are, we are happy. I am happy" Forth looks deep into Beam's eyes deep down to Beam's heart and soul. He wants Beam to understand that he is happy and content with just Beam in his heart.

"Thank you so much Forth. You and your family give me so much more than what I deserve."

"Beam, you deserve more than what you have now. You deserve a better man than me but I will not let you go ever" Forth pulls Beam into his hug tightly, the thought of Beam belong to someone else makes him scared. He belongs to Beam and he wants Beam to be his forever too.

"don't think so little about yourself Forth. You are the best for me" whisper Beam shyly, Forth glads he get to hear it from Beam's lips itself.

They share their moment together in silence, so many things go through their head, their families, friends and everything. They feel full with what they have now.

"Forth, I want to be yours" Beam looks straight into Forth eyes, he is deadly serious and mean everything he said but Forth can't catch it.

"of course you are mine, like I'm yours too" answer Forth with a wide grin.

Beam sighs, Forth misinterpret his meaning.

"Forth, I'm ready" Beam said more serious.

Forth frowns, thinking what Beam means with that.

"ready? To sleep?" Forth take a wild guess. Beam feels like crying because he is embarrassed enough to say it clearly.

"To be your husband, wife or whatever. I'm ready for our first night!" yells Beam angrily, it is not easy for him to be this brave.

Forth needs to load what he heard. His brain is loading and buffering.

Beam push Forth away and step inside their hotel room angrily, he never thought Forth can be this slow, Forth is always the pervert one in their marriage.

"Woah, really? Beam, are you sure?" Forth jumps happily to their room. He hugs Beam and spins together with Beam in his arms.

He is that happy? He sure is a pervert.

"I will be the husband tonight!" Beam decides. Forth puts Beam on the floor, he looks like he is thinking again.

"I don't care! I love you so I don't mind" Forth agrees easily, Beam's eyes open wide. He thought Forth will fight for their positions. It's their first time after all.

"really Forth? Are you sure? I don't even know what to do, what if you get hurt. Aren't you scared?" Beam ask to make sure Forth is not blinded with this stuff.

"I'm not scared. It's my first time with men too. We can work it out together. Do you want to watch Porn together? Maybe we can learn" suggest Forth eagerly. Beam blinks a few times.

"You never watch it before, gay porn?" ask Beam curious.

"of course not. I tried but I can't. It feels like cheating, watching someone else naked. When I start to love you, I don't even want to watch something like that, even sexy girls can't make my hearts beat faster, no one can seduce me except you." Forth answer seriously but Beam finds it hard to believe.


"Really! I even drool when I saw your naked back and your thigh when you wear short. No one can beat that!" Forth answer makes Beam flustered and shy to the core. He throws a pillow to Forth.

"You really are a pervert!"

"Yeah, I'm your Pervert" answer Forth confidently and proudly.

"Ugh, I don't have that mood anymore. Let's sleep" Beam left for bathroom.
Forth excitement falls down the drain when Beam said that, he is really an idiot for answer it that way.

Forth never gives up easily, he will try something else when both of then already on the bed.

Will Beam allow it?

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