Welcome to Camelot || Meeting

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You were led into the throne room by your father and a small entourage of guards. You had an audience with King Uther. He was going to house you and your father while you were in Camelot for the tournament. Uther smiled at you both as you came in and bowed. "Camelot welcomes you Lord Drien and Lady y/n." 

"Thank you sire." Your father said graciously. 

"My son, prince Arthur, will show you to your chambers." 

You both nodded and Arthur led you both through the castle, speaking as he went. "If either of you need anything, my servant, Merlin will help you." He gestured to the man who was following closely in tow. "Don't hesitate to ask for anything." He said as he stopped in front of some doors. 

"Here is where you will be staying. The servants have prepared a room each for you. I shall leave you to get settled in. Merlin will help you with any belongings you need brought up"

"Thank you, you are most gracious hosts." Your father complimented and Arthur left with a bow, Merlin staying behind to help. 

Quietly you slipped into your room to check it out while Merlin went to fetch your things. It was very spacious, just as you'd expect to find in a castle. You sat on the bed and took in the whole room. You could hear your father already ordering around servants and rolled your eyes. He just loved to order people around. 

It had been a long day of riding and you were very tired. You yawned and got comfortable, it didn't take long before you drifted off, the skirt of your dress hanging over the bed.

Not long after Merlin shoved open the door with your chest of things. "Where do you-." He began but stopped short as he noticed you asleep. He smiled and placed the chest down in a corner before sneaking out of the room.

(Ok so I know you didn't even interact much but you technically have met and been introduced.)


You weren't a knight as such but you were a warrior and you wished to fight in the tournament. You felt pretty confident in your abilities and confidently rode into Camelot. You had arranged to stay in the tavern for the duration of the tournament. You signed up accordingly and went for a stroll around the marketplace. You were looking at a fruit stand when someone bumped you with their shoulder. You turned around, a bit annoyed, to see water spilling everywhere and a pot falling to the ground. Your quick reflexes let you stop the pot from breaking with your foot. It still fell on the ground but there were no cracks or anything. The girl who was carrying it had fallen over. She looked very embarassed. You held your hand out to her and she took it, letting you pull her up. She brushed the dirt off of herself and you held out the pot to her.

"You should watch where you're going." She accepted the pot, averting her eyes to the ground bashfully.

"Of course, thank you." She hurried off very quickly back to the well, keeping her head down. You couldn't help but chuckled to yourself as you continued to look around the small market.


You were a druid who had fled to Camelot. The other druids had been good to you and you loved your life there but you were attacked by a group of soldiers and everyone had scattered. You just so happened to go in the direction of Camelot. You ran into the city walls, looking over your shoulder the whole way. You were covered in dirt and your cheek was bleeding fresh blood from the branches that had swiped you. Your cloak was barely recognisable as the green it once was due to to the amount of mud and sticks that covered it. You weren't looking and slammed directly into someone. You could feel yourself falling to the ground for what felt like the millionth  time that day, but this time was different. A hand caught your arm and gripped it tightly as you steadied yourself. You looked up to see a man clad in armour. You thought that he must be a knight and fell to your knees before him. You hadn't had much luck with them lately. He stared at you, looking slightly amused. 

"You should be more careful."

You didn't respond, you just stared at the ground, scared for your life. 

"Well don't just kneel there, stand up and look at me." Hesitantly you looked up at him. His eyes seemed kind and you could tell that he meant you no harm. You slowly stood up, not breaking eye contact.

"What's your name."

"Y/n...." You muttered.

He looked you up and down before turning to a young man standing just behind him. 

"Merlin, take her to Gaius and have her cleaned up and get her some clothes."

"Where do I get clothes from?"

"I don't know, do I have to think of everything?" 

The boy named Merlin gestured for you to follow him. You nodded and took one last look at the blonde knight before following him.

~lazy time skip~

Merlin had taken you to a room full of potions and strange plants and ingredients where you'd taken a bath and been given clean clothes and your wounds had been somewhat fixed. The man from earlier came in and you instantly stood up. 

"Ah, y/n, I trust they took good care of you. My father wishes to speak with you."

You were confused for a moment before it hit you. He was..... Arthur Pendragon.... Prince of Camelot and son to the tyrant Uther Pendragon. This didn't bode well for you at all....


(A/n: this is before she went totally evil. All of her scenarios will be.)

You sat atop your wagon and looked up at the huge, intimidating gate that led into Camelot. This was to be your new home. Taking in a deep breath you looked around. You had come in previously and had managed to secure a job at the tavern, in exchange you were bringing supplies and they would give you a job and a place to sleep (and discounted food of course.)

You cracked the reigns and rode in after the guards checked your cart. 

"Not hiding any druids back here are you?" One of the guards half joked.

"You're clear."

You thanked them with a nod and rode on. You had barely gone in when your horse, Bayard, reared up at a lady running past. 

"Woah." You steadied Bayard and jumped off of the wagon. The lady had fallen over and was protecting her head. (I've fallen and can't get up). You approached her and bent down beside her.

"Are you alright my lady?"

She looked up at you suddenly, fear in her eyes, but she nodded slowly. Standing up you offered her your hand. She took it after hesitating and you gently helped her up. 

"I'm so sorry about Bayard, you frightened him." You gently stroked his face. 

"Of course, I should be the one apologising, I shouldn't have run in front of him."

"Where are you off to in such a hurry my lady?"

"I-" she stopped short as a voice called out to her.

"Morgana, are you done falling over yet or are you not coming?"

You saw her grin and wave in the direction of the person.


"Ah, duty calls. I'm y/n."

You quickly introduced yourself and she smiled.

"Morgana." She replied before rushing off. 

You watched her as she left, slightly confused. You knew that name. It hit you like a ton of bricks. Morgana??? As in, the king's ward Morgana???? Well, shit.

(A/n: this one is quite short but from now on they will be longer, hopefully)

Word count: 1,324

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