Final Breath

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Hi there! Thanks for clicking on this random story! Here's some angst I wrote one time! I hope you some what enjoy It! Now this is new for me so please go easy on me. I'm not to used to this format quite yet, so this may not be as good at it could be. But I hope it's alright!
TW: Blood, Death, Tears

Roman, sadly, walked to Virgils door. He knew Virgil was in a state of almost no return... But, though Logan found it pointless, him and Patton had hope. Hope for the future, for things to get better. He'd hate to lose Virgil. I'd be like losing the world. Virgil was his everything.

As Roman walked to the door, all he could think about was if Virgil would be ok. He tried to tell himself that everything would be fine, but he never truly believed it.

What if I lose him?! What if he's already gone...? N- No... Roman, no. Everything is going to be fine. He's gonna be fine. But what if it's not?!

These thoughts swirled through his head until he reached the door to Virgil's room. He placed his hand on the door and paused. Knowing all too well what he could find. He took a deep breath and turned the knob, slowly.

The door swung open and you could see Virgil, crying on the floor. He whimpered softly, clutching onto his shirt out of fear and pain. Next to him... a puddle of blood.

Roman rushed to his side as Virgil coughed, violently, adding more blood to the puddle. Roman pulled Virgil onto his lap, supporting his head and neck. Making sure Virgil could breath. Virgil's breath was very unsteady, and he was shaking violently. Though Roman managed to remain calm amidst the panic, searching around the room frantically.

"Patton! Logan!" Roman shouted. "Get up here! Quickly!"

Virgil flinched at the sudden, loud noise. He clutched onto Roman' s shirt, rather tightly, as Roman held Virgil tighter. He could just sense Virgil's pain.

Suddenly, Logan burst through the door. "What's going on- What happened?!" He shouted frantically.

Logan rushed over to Virgil and started checking vitals. His breathing was unsteady, and his heart rate was, dangerously low, most likely from the blood loss and trauma.

Patton stood at the door in disbelief. He couldn't comprehend that he could be losing his dark strange son today. This just didn't seem real.

"Call 911!!" Logan yelled to Patton, trying desperately to stay calm.

Patton grounded himself. He nodded then quickly grabbed his phone and dialed 911. He spoke through tears, his voice was shakey and frantic but the opporator managed to understand him.

Virgil looked up at Roman, fear and misery in his eyes. "R- Roman... I- I- I'm scared..." His voice was quiet and raspy.

Virgil coughed again, adding more blood to the puddle. He winced, tightening his grip on Roman' s shirt. Roman held Virgil close, running his fingers through Virgils hair. Trying to calm Virgil as well as himself.

"Sh... shh... everything is okay... you're going to be okay..."

Roman spoke reassuringly, but behind his voice was a landslide of panic. It didn't seem real. He stayed calm for Virgil, but you could see the fear in his eyes.

Logan tried to keep Virgil from passing out, though he worried he might fail. He couldn't comprehend the situation. Virgil's sickness hit so fast, without warning. He had no idea what to do. No one really did. Not Virgil, not Logan, not Patton, not Roman.

Roman couldn't comprehend that he could lose Virgil. His chemically imbalanced romance. The love of his life. Roman let a tear escape his eye.

Virgil whimpered, biting the inside of his lip. Patton rushed over.

"Sh- she said w- we don't have t- time to w- wait for an a- ambulance..."

Logan looked up at Patton, then to Roman, who quickly picked Virgil up rushed to the car. The others following close behind.

Roman carefully placed the whimpering Virgil in the back seat, then got in and gently moved Virgil's head to his lap. Roman held him tightly, fearing it might be the last time he could.

Virgil squeezed Roman's hand. His head pounded, his stomach wrenched, the rest of his body throbbed, but worst of all, he was terrified. He knew his time was running thin.

"R- Roman...?"

"Virgil? Please... Save your strength..."

"I- I love y- you..."

Patton heard this, he hid his face in his hands and cried silently, trying to hide it from the others. Logan, while keeping his eyes on the road, placed a gentle hand on Patton' s shoulder.

"Virgil please, don't say that..." Roman said, trying not to lose it.

Virgil looked up at him with loving eyes, before slowly closing them. Roman holding him close as he took his final breath. Virgil died right there in his arms.

Roman lost it. He broke down, holding Virgil's lifeless body in his arms.

Logan calmly pulled over, knowing it was worthless to continue driving. Patton jumped into his arms as soon as they exited the vehicle.

"Don't leave me... Not now... there is so much time left... so many things I haven't said..." Roman spoke through soft sobbs.

He knew this could be the end, from the beginning. But he couldn't help but think he could have done something. He wouldn't let himself believe it was over.

I could have done something... This is my fault... I love you so much... how could this happen to someone so wonderful...? You didn't deserve any of this...

These thoughts flooded Roman's head. He couldn't stop them. He felt as if he lost the world.

He cried harder. Allowing every hidden emotion, towards Virgil's misery, to come flooding out, every worry, every helpless feeling, everything, every emotion he hid for Virgil's sake, it just all came out.

And in that moment, every little peice of happiness that came with Virgil's life, disappeared.

His heart felt empty. His life was worthless to him. Everything he did, he did for Virgil. It's all gone now.

It wasn't enough...

Virgil's frail and fragile body, lay limp in Roman's arms. His heart shattered.

I'm nothing without him...

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know it's kinda angsty, but that's kinda what I do! I hope you stick around here! But for now...
I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments!
Bye humans! I'm out!

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