I'm Sorry, Did You Say Werewolf? [11]

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It had been 20, maybe 30 minutes? But I was still sitting at my computer desk in shock.

Was it even possible to live life thinking you had no family, then one day, BAM, you realise you have a brother. And not just that, but that brother happens to be a new student at your school and you didn't even know who he was until he dropped a hint.

Was this even real life?

Surely, events like this don't occur in real life?

Then again, neither do finding out your friends are werewolves, but still.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. When did my life get so messed up? Not messed up like 'I have a depressed life with no friends', but depressed like 'holy shit werewolves exist and I have a long lost brother'. I let out a small humourless laugh.

How was I supposed to react to this new found information? I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions. Anger, shock, hurt, confusion, excitement, relief, but more importantly: betrayal.

I felt betrayed.

Throughout my 17 years of life, why didn't my so-called father ever try to reach out to me? Look for me? I mean, according to the article I read he had money so that wouldn't have been a problem.

Had he ever tried to find me? Did he ever even think about me? Heck, does he even remember me?

With all of those thoughts passing through my head, I came to a conclusion.

I needed to see Cairo.

But of course, there always has to be a problem in my plans. I didn't remember how to get to his- or 'the pack' house.

I quickly whipped out my blackberry and decided I should text Melissa and ask. That wouldn't be too weird since were sort-of friends... I hope.

Me: Hi Melissa, um could u send me your address? Just so I know for the future. U dnt have to but yh...x

I read over the message a few times and realised I sounded like a creep. 'Just so I know for the future'? Wow, I'm so stupid. If I was her I would be too creeped out to reply.

But of course, I'm not her and nor is she me, because less than a minute later she replied with a 'sure thing' and her address.

Now Melissa's a nice girl and all but she's clearly kind of stupid. I'm not saying I'm not trustworthy but she barely knows me and she's given me her address. Does that not scream reckless to you? Yeah, she took me to her house before but it's not like I would ever have been able to go back because I didn't memorise the way. And it was pretty obvious that she knew that.

But whatever, I wasn't complaining. I had the address so all I had to do was drive up there and have a little talk with Cairo. Simple.

So explain to me why there was a feeling spreading through my stomach, practically screaming I was under-thinking the situation? I tried to shrug it off, but it only seemed to grow. It was something I couldn't ignore but something I couldn't approach either. I had no idea what it mean. So I would just have to be aware.

As I walked out of my room, I decided I didn't want to alert any of the boys, especially Matt, because he was very persistent. I really didn't need them bugging me about why I locked myself in my room.

It was probably safe to say I didn't exactly know how to break the 'I have a brother' news to them.

Slowly and sneakily I slipped out of the front door without being detected.

I'm Sorry, Did You Say Werewolf? (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now