I'm Sorry, Did You Say Werewolf? [17]

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Late again - Boo!

This story is coming to an end soon, because of the watty awards deadline D: aw

Anyways, enjoy!


When I got home I headed straight for my room, ignoring the confused stares of the boys when I ignored their greetings.

How could I have slipped up like that at lunch? I was supposed to break it down gently! The worst part wasn't that I said what I said, it was the fact that I didn't mean it.

I did want to be Kai's mate. So badly.

It felt as if my heart and gut were sitting on either of my shoulders, whispering reasons in my ear about why I should follow them. Kind of like in movies when there's an angel sitting on one shoulder, and a devil on the other.

Except in this case I didn't know which one was the angel and which was the devil.

A soft knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. "Come in," I called.

Blake walked through my door and flung himself on the foot of my bed, resting his head on his arms. "So what's up?" he asked, looking up at me.

"The sky?"

He replied with a flat stare. "I mean with you."

"Nothing's up with me?" Why was he asking me all these questions.

"Ally, I've known you for almost 17 years. I think I would know when something's bothering you."

"I thought you were only staying here for like a week or something?" I asked, deciding to change the subject.

Stupidly, it never occurred to me that maybe Blake, Joey, Matt, Luke and Trey would notice that something was bothering me. Blake was right, they had known me nearly all my life, of course they would notice something was up. I would be worried if they didn't.

"Don't try to change the subject," Blake replied playfully. "Seriously, what's up? I'm not leaving until you tell me." He persisted.

Sighing, I replied "Just school stuff, don't worry."

"Would 'school stuff' have anything to do with boys?" He asked knowingly.

My mouth dropped slightly in shock. Even when I tried to lie he knew what was really on my mind. I had to give him props for being a real friend.

"Maybe," I muttered. "I'm not gonna tell you about it though. That's just weird."

Blake let out a small laugh and smirked at me. "Why? Friends tell each other things. Unless you think of me as something other than a friend...?"

My eyes widened slightly, but I quickly recovered from the shock. Hopefully quick enough so Blake didn't realise. Was he trying to... flirt?

I decided to veer away from that possibility, and approached his remark from a different prospective. "Yeah, I see you as a brother."

Blake's face fell slightly at this, but he didn't let the smirk leave his face. This time I could tell it was forced.

"Well then be a good sister and tell your brother what's wrong. Do I need to beat anyone up?" He asked, half jokingly-half serious.

"You can't beat him up," I laughed.

"And why's that?"

"He's a werewol-" I instantly cut myself off, realising what I was about to say.

Blake narrowed his eyes at me. "What were you going to say?"

"What? I didn't say anything." I laughed forcefully, playing dumb. "I think you're hearing things Blakey."

"You were going to say werewolf, weren't you?" He accused.

I wasn't sure what scared me more. The fact that Blake believed that I was going to 'werewolf', or the fact that Blake didn't sound the least bit confused when I did say werewolf.

"Are you crazy? Werewolves don't exist."

"As far as you know," he grunted. Is was barely audible but I caught it.


"Nothing." Now it was his turn to deny it.

Did this mean Blake knew about werewolves? Was he one too? My eye almost bulged out of their sockets at the thought. He couldn't be... could he?

"Are you..." I couldn't even finish off my question, that was how shocked I was.

"A werewolf?" Blake finished off for me. This shocked me even more because he knew what I was going to say. He was a werewolf! So many emotions were coursing through my veins, I couldn't form a coherent sentence. Only single words were leaving my mouth, none of which made any sense.

"Calm down, Ally. I'm not a werewolf." Blake reassured.

This relieved me a little, but he could be lying. "So how do you know about werewolves then?" I accused.

"I know a few. I'm just surprised that you know about them. Care to explain?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me in question.

Blowing out a little breath, I wondered if I should just tell Blake. I mean, he already knew about werewolves, it wouldn't really make a difference, right? Plus, I really did need to get all this werewolf stress off my chest... what better way to do so than to tell someone who already knows about werewolves, I thought.

"This guy," I started, "Kai."

Blake's face turned hard, but he nodded at me to carry on.

"So according to him, I'm like his 'mate' or something,"

"You're his what?!" Blake demanded, anger evident on his. "Do you even know what that means?!"

I was taken aback by his reaction, so took a moment before I replied. "Chill. It means I'm like his soul mate or something. Do you even wanna know the story or are you gonna keep interrupting me?" I asked, annoyed that he wouldn't let me finish.

"Sorry, carry on," he muttered.

"Thank you. Yeah, so um I really like him, blah blah blah, and I'm his mate. Awesome right? Not really."

"Wha-" he cut himself off when I shot him a pointed glare. "Sorry," he said, raising his hands in surrender, "You were saying?"

"I really do like him and my heart is fully telling me to go for it, but my gut is telling me that it's not a good idea."

This for some reason seemed to please Blake, as a small smile fitted across his face.

"So yeah I decided I wasn't going to be his mate. I was gonna break it down to him gently, but today he said something that annoyed me and I accidentally blurted out that I didn't want to be his mate... in front of all of his friends. And mine."

I exhaled. It felt good to get the days events off of my chest.

However, Blake's smile was long gone, and was replaced with disbelief. "Wow, talk about embarrassing," he murmured. "If you did that to me, I would hate you forever."

"Gee thanks," I muttered sarcastically.

Suddenly, my door opened, revealing Trey, Kyle, Matt and Joey.

"Oooh, what are you guys doing in here alone?" Joey asked, playfully.

"With the door closed?" Kyle added, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

"X-rated stuff," Blake grinned, grabbing me into a hug with his arms wrapped around my waist. Then he pulled us up into a sitting position, with me tucked in-between his legs.

In a normal situation, I would've told him to "shut up" or "get the hell off me" and then shoved him off anyway.

But this wasn't a normal situation. Because it felt good to have him hold me. Because I enjoyed being in his arms. Because for some screwed up reason, I liked it.

And I mean I like, liked it.


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