Music to my Ears

262 4 0

Word Count- 2250

Warnings- Fluff 

A/N- Ok so this has been up on my Tumblr for a while now, I just forgot to post it on here lol.  But soon I should have more time to write and get things posted so there should be more coming soon!! Enjoy!! 

You were sitting in your apartment with the windows open because it was actually nice outside. You had just gotten off work and were relaxing on the couch. You had decided to put your all-time favorite Disney movie on, Tangled. This was a movie you had seen so many times, enough times that you could quote the movie and sing along with all the songs. You weren't even embarrassed that you were a full grown adult and could sing along and quote a Disney movie. It was your favorite way to de-stress after a long day at work so you did it a lot.

So your apartment was on the third floor so you figured no one would really hear you singing along to the movie. How wrong you were. You were in a fairly busy part of town which also happened to be where they were filming a new rom-com movie, which was starring Chris Evans. One of your favorite actors ever. You were hoping to, at some point, run into him and at least get to talk with him for a little bit.

You were NEVER expecting to see him standing at your door that night. You had heard a knock on your door so you paused the movie and went to look through the peephole to see who it was. Your breath caught in your through when you saw THE Chris Evans standing there. Your heart starting pounding because you were nervous, but you also thought that it couldn't be real and that this was just some dream you were having. You thought maybe you fell asleep on your couch and your brain was just helping you destress by having Chris show up in your dreams.

After what felt like ages, you finally opened the door. And yes it was Chris Evans standing there. You still thought this was a dream, there's no way that he could be standing at your front door right now. Like what could this possibly mean??

"Hi, uh, hello?" you stuttered out, trying not to show how excited/nervous you were.

"Uh, hi, so this is really random, but I couldn't help but overhear you singing along to your movie and I just wanted to say that you have a lovely voice." he smiles at you.

Internally you were screaming because "OH MY GOD THE CHRIS EVANS JUST TOLD ME I HAVE A LOVELY SINGING VOICE!" But externally you smiled and said, "Uh... thanks, I guess." Then you realized he was still standing outside. "Do you want to come in?"

"I actually have to get back to work, I just wanted to tell you that you have a lovely voice." he smiles and starts to turn around.

"Oh, ok, well thank you again," you say before he turns all the way around to go back down the stairs.

You slowly shut the door, still not believing that that just happened. Your heart was still racing as you sat back on your couch.

"You grabbed your phone and went to text your best friend.

"So...I just met Chris Evans..."


"I'm not even sure if that was real life or if I'm still dreaming"

"Wait, what happened though?"

"I got home and was watching Tangled and I had my windows open. So I was, obviously, singing along with it and I hear a knock on my door. I open i and he's just standing there. He told me I had a lovely singing voice and then I left."

"Woah... That doesn't sound real."

"It doesn't feel real! Lol"

You couldn't get over what happened that day. You didn't see him again for the next week, not that you thought you'd actually see him and get to talk to him again, but a girl could dream.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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