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I walked to my room still wondering what dad had grabbed out of the cupboard, and then it clicked. Pills. I bolted across the hallway to the bathroom where dad was, the door was locked and I couldn't get in. I quickly ran to my room and tried to think of something to grab. It was in the heat of the moment when I grabbed my metal pole from my curtain and ran bag to the bathroom. I banged in to the know until it fell of. I opened the door, and there laying down on the bathroom floor was my dad's lifeless body. I was too late.

"Dad!", I screamed. "Wake up!" I ran over to him and started shaking him continuously. I tried making him throw it all up but he was gone.

I could now feel litres of tears running down my cheeks.

I ran to mum and started screaming at her, "It's all your fault, you knew that dad was a sensitive person and was sick of all your bullshit!, and you never stopped being a bitch to him. Always asking for stuff. Never giving him a break!"

"Oh shut up."

I suddenly felt a hot sting in my left cheek. Mum had just slapped me.

"Get away from me, I'm moving out. I will go to a foster home and get adopted out to someone who will actually love me."

"Oh no you wont"

Mum walked over to me and grabbed me by my hair. "Mum let go, I screamed." She didn't let go, instead she dragged me down the the basement and locked me in there.

It was a dark room, It was also really cold. The floor was concrete and from all I could see there was a little bed with a tiny dusty blanket on it and a small bathroom which had a tiny window on the wall right up the top, out of reach.

It had no other windows and no mirrors in the bathroom at all. I mean who doesn't have mirrors in their bathroom.

Just the I heard an ambulance and a police siren. I started banging and screaming but it didn't sound like anyone could hear me. I could hear footsteps above me. I dreamed more and more. "DAD, DAD, DAD!" "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM!" "HELP ME!" But it was no use.

I sat back down until I heard a loud goodbye from my mum. Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, you could tell she was angry. Justthen she stormed in.

"Pairs you little bitch"


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