s1 ep2

844 6 1

(Y/n) point of view

Well today was the day were we get back into our dorms I grab my things
And move out I look on to the wall to see a picture of a ozpin I grab the picture of ozpin and throw it out side
And replace it with a zwei

(Y/n):"ah a classic.

My door got bash in I look to see who it is it was Nora

Nora:"(y/n)!!! I want you to have a cook off with rin!!!

(Y/n):"cook off?


She grabs my hand and dash all the way to her teams dorm

Nora:"okay it simple cook!

(Y/n):"thanks it really "helpful".

Me and rin got into the kitchen
And I notice Blake was here

Time skip

(Y/n):" okay we're done!

Pyrrha took a bite out of my food
So did Blake while the others ate rins
When we heard a thud we turn to see pyrrha on the ground

Ruby:"uh pyrrha are you alright

(Y/n):"what happened!?

Ruby:"i-i-i-i don't know when she was getting up she fell over!

Jaune:"she a sleep right!?


He stop dead track when they saw a heart came out of her they look at it

Jaune:"is that?

(Y/n):"her soul?


Ruby:"don't worry I'll just put it back!!

(Y/n):"no don't touch it!

Ruby:"wait why not-

She got cut off when a bright light filled the room


They look up to see some one else

They look up to see some one else

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???:"fear not dear brother.

(Y/n):"why too late sis.

???:"we....uh I pyruby am fine
And I feel much stronger.

(Y/n):"nothing about this is fine.

Pyruby:"and that's not the best part!

(Y/n):"there are no good parts either.

Pyruby:"after all these years Finally.

She pull her hood down to revile
A long hair over shoulders

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