Chapter 29

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Chrissy's POV

We've been at this stupid penthouse for 3 months now. I can't say I didn't like it though. It has some great amenities. Plus its very safe so that's a plus.

The move was pretty easy because I definitely didn't help pack shit . I didn't help pack & I definitely didn't help unpack. Call me a bitch but oh well. I didn't ask to move so I shouldn't have to put in the work simple as that. 

My love bugs are growing each day and my heart just gets bigger every time I look at their cute faces. I can't believe I brought  such precious kids into the world. 

Terell has been great to me as always. He's been super busy recently so it feels like we barely see each other. I'm used to being able to go out with him and what not but now we have kids. I can't be by his side as much as I'd like to but that's ok. 

These past couple of months I've been to more funerals than I'd like to count. Jim was fucking these streets up. That man is like a fucking parasite. I'm so happy we moved before it was too late.

I  know you're thinking too late how huh ? Well not even two weeks after moving out that house they tried to run down on us or whatever you'd like to call it. Fortunately we were gone and of course the place was a trap like my family intended it to be. 

Long story short 5 of their guys died that day. Although I was mad about moving I was so happy we did. I couldn't imagine being anywhere someone could harm my kids. 

Even though I was so ready for this to be over I can understand my families point of view a little better now. I've been getting more rest, working out & just trying to get at least a hour a day to myself to keep the peace. 

Quiet frankly the shit has been working. These assholes cannot get me to react for shit now. I know they want me to act crazy just so they can put me back on my meds but I won't give them the benefit. 

Right now I was in the gym while the kids took a nap. Rose was keeping an eye on them of course. It was 11 p.m I couldn't sleep and my man wasn't home yet. The kids were fed a hour ago so I should be good for the night. I have their night bottles ready for action. 

Getting tired I hopped off the treadmill heading to the kitchen. I was so thirsty I don't know how I forgot my water.

Grabbing a bottle from the fridge I stood in front of it. Drinking the water I heard steps nearby. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist. Turning around to see who it was it was Terell.

"What I told you about sneaking up on me?" I teased 

"Not a damn thing" he smiled leaning in for a peck.

Closing the fridge we headed towards the kids room to check on them. They were sound asleep thank god. That means they mama might be on the way to making another kid. Just kidding !

"How was your day?" I asked 

"Can't complain. It's better now that I'm here with you. How about you and the kids?" he replied 

Terell was always so smooth it made me blush. 

"Today was a smooth day would've been better if you were here with me though" I answered taking my clothes off

Heading to the shower I turned on the hot water. Making sure it wasn't too hot I stepped in. Ya'll know your girl love a hot boiling shower that shit be feeling so amazing. Nothing compares to a nice hot shower. 

A few minutes later Terell stepped in with me. He was looking so fine but then again he always is. Maybe that's just me being horny . Who knows ? All I know is I wanted him to do me right now in this shower. 

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