Chapter 1

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*Isabella(Izzie),Angylen(Angie),Cierra(CiCi), and Olivia(Livy) and just graduated from highschool. Ready to start their lives in the big city of New York, for Christmas vancation they wanted to be togther and go on a trip somewhere. They have been saving up forever. Will they go to London? Meet 1D? Fall in love?

Izzies P.O.V

"Hi welcome to Starbucks, How may i help you?" I said, trying to sound cheerful as possible. I was working the drive through(worst shift ever). I couldnt wait to get out of here maybe catch a movie with Ryan afterwards, of course it was busy when i am working the drive-thru. Luckily only two more hours till i get off. "Can i get a kiss from the best girlfriend ever?" The customer said. WTF i thought to myself. "Umm Ryan?" I said. "Correct." "Oh my gosh Ryan! You scared the shit out of me!". I said. He pulled up to the window. "So wheres my kiss he said". I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Do you wanna go to a movie tonight?" I asked. " 'Toy Story 3' just came out."Tonights not good for me babe, i have a football game then i have to meet up with the guys after for pizza." Oh, okay". "What about tommrow"? I said. "No cant have to pratice with the guys again, big game coming up." I nodded. This was the usal for Ryan. He was the leader of the Jefferrson high school football team until we graduated but they still have games. He was what you would call, one of the jocks. He  got accpeted to West Feild sports collage in the U.K next June. He plans to become a major leauge football player when he grows up. We never really got any quality time but he was good to me and i loved him, thats all that counts..right?

Angies P.O.V

Me and Cierra were walking home from  the Libary. We were looking for tickets to London for Christmas. My friends and I want to go somewhere for Christmas. And we deided we want to go to London. But the tickets are way to expensice. My job at Hollister doesnt seem to be helping much. Izzie works at Starbucks,Olivia works at Claires and Cierra works at Subway. Between the four of us we barley can pay for rent for our 4 bedrooms townhouse. "I wonder what Niall is doing right now." Cierra said. "Probbaly eating." "Haha NANDOS!" She said. Before i die i want to eat at Nandos. I bet Louis has eaten their. *Daydreams.  *Cierra snaps fingers in face "Wha-what!" I snapped out of the daydream i was in. "Daydreaming about Louis again?" Cierra said. "Yeah." "Me and Louis will get married someday and have carrot babies." Cierra stared at me like i was a crazy person. "I need to get you to a mental hospiatal my friend." 

Olivias P.O.V

I just finished my shift at Claires. I wanted to beat everyone else home so i could be first to take a shower. The townhouse we lived in with crummy. One person showered and for everone else thre water was freezing, u basically become a human icile. I got into my car and turned on m favorite radio station(Its my favorite because they always play One Direction) After 'Tell Me A Lie' finished playing they annoced there was a competion to win 4 tickets to any destionantion in the world if you were caller #100. I pulled over my car to the side of the rode and called in. I waited and waited and waited. Suddendly an automaded voice said that i was caller number 72. I hanged up my phone and threw it in my purse. What were the chances anyway? I wanted to know who the lucky winner was. I turned the radio up. "Congradulations you are the 100th caller! What is your name?" The DJ said. "My name is Cierra". A very exitcted familar voice said. My eyes widend. "AHHHH!" I screamed, i was dancing in my seat(people probbaly thought i was a crazy person). "Cierra where are you going and who are you bringing?" The DJ said. "MY THREE BEST FRIENDS TO LONDON". "Haha how fanstaic is that?" The DJ said. He countued saying the deets would be sent to her. I called her right after. She answered on the first ring. "WE ARE GOING TO LONDON!" Cierra yelled.  "I KNOW! I WAS UST LSTENING TO THE RADIO"! I couldnt belive this was really happening.

Izzies P.O.V

I reached for the tissue box. No tissues left. "Already on it." Angie said handing me a second one. Angie and Cierra saw Ryan cheating on me. I dont know what I did to deserve this. They saw him with one of the cheerleaders, they were holding hands and walking down the street. I thought we were in love. I renembered earlier today when he came to the starbucks drive through. That brought more tears. All of a sudden Cierra and Olivia come barging through the door. "Thanks for knocking." i said clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone. "Its our house too, plus we got you icecream,cookies and your fav movie Finding Nemo!" Olivia said setting it all on the kitchen table. "We are here for you, that two timer didnt desereve you." Cierra said handing me the tub of icecream and the cookies i grabbed it and suprisinly it covered up the sadness. We put in finding Nemo and talked. Cierra and Olivia couldnt keep a smile off their faces and it was starting to annoy me they were so hapy. I paused the movie right when Dori found Nemo. "Whats up with you guys?" I said. They started dancing and jumping around. "At least tell me". Angie said. Olivia whispered something into Angies ear and instantly her face lit up with happiness and then she got up and started dancing the inbetweeners. "So now you guys are leaving me out now?" I said. "We wanted to wait until later but we can tell you now." Olivia siad. "It would cheer her up". Angie said. "On the count of 3". Cierra said. "1...2...3 WE WON TICKETS TO LONDON"!!!! 

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