Chapter 41

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AN: I'm so sorry that it has been so long, the only excuse I have is that Mojang came out with that new Pillage and Village update, so I have been playing minecraft non-stop and messing with the new villager mechanics! There will be some AN's at the end of the chapter but I think I've kept you waiting long enough.

There was less than two weeks left to train for the Chunin finals and Lucy had not trained once, she was too busy with other things. Going over the notes that Kakashi made on that linking seal as well as researching and trying out new ones, doing research on Lee's condition, which was going terribly, she couldn't figure out a way to increase his survival odds for the surgery that would need to take place, the best she could offer was a 40% chance of survival and Lucy refused to perform the surgery at those odds. There was too much to do and she just couldn't find the time to train and that's what led her to the Hokages office,

"It's rare for you to come to me for anything, what is it that you need?" Lord Hokage asked her as she sat in front of him drinking a strawberry and rose tea while he smoked his pipe,

"I would like permission to use all of my celestial spirits abilities in the final round, considering I'll be versing Haku and we both know he can handle it," Lucy said and she looked up at the Hokage through her long lashes,

"Is there any particular reason as to why you want to? Before the exams we agreed that in the solo matches you would only use Shinobi techniques," the Hokage stated curious as to what has changed, Lucy sighed and rubbed her eyes,

"I haven't been able to do any training besides the daily exercises that I force myself to do, my mind has been on other more important things," Lucy said and when she looked back at him, Sarutobi could see just how tired she really was,

"More important than your match? You don't seem to be taking it very seriously?" He baited her, already knowing why she wasn't focused on the exam,

"Lee's condition is more important than just some title and we both know that those seals I'm working on have been the only thing on my mind since I got that scroll," Lucy said sternly with her arms crossed,

"Just some title? Being a Chunin gives you more responsibility around the village and allows you to go on higher ranking missions,"

"You're argument means nothing when I already have those things, I'm apart of the ANBU Black Ops, a medical ninja, a tactician and you also request Gemini an awful lot down in the T&I unit," Lucy huffed, as if he didn't know what responsibilities he, himself set for her.

Lord Hokage chuckled at her reasoning, "well then you don't seem to need your celestial spirits abilities to fight, is there something else you're not telling me?" The Hokage asked her,

"No, I already gave a statement after the preliminaries about what happened in the forest of death and after that. I also told you everything I was working on and got permission for it," Lucy wondered out loud confused,

"Then why are you requesting to use your natural abilities?"

"Because I haven't been able to train using ninja techniques," She insisted,

"If that's the only reason then I don't mind but if you're only doing it because Orochimaru is somewhere in the village I told you that you do not have to worry yourself with it," Lord Hokage said seriously, "ever since your interrogation with Inoichi I have convinced the council that you are not to go on any missions relating to him, that includes whilst he's in the village,"

"I know that," Lucy said softly, "But it just seems that everything that I do is all just apart of some big scheme he has, it's his fault that I don't look like myself and the only reason why I'm in the village is because he wanted me to be. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the reason why I'm even in this world in the first place,"

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