{ Chapter 17 } ~ The Odds Of This ~

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* Chresanto's P.o.v

As we neared the restaurant, I tied a blind fold around Crissy's head. I guided her out the limo. Jacob picked her up off the ground and I stood beside him wrapping my right arm around his waist. We walked into the restaurant with all eyes on us. "Reservations for Chresanto August." I said looking around. "Ohh you're sitted right here." He said taking us to the table. We sat right across from a group of girls who kept on looking over at us smirking and talking shit.

"Heyy Boys! Y'all are soo freaking cute... Not!" The girl across from us said laughing loud. I seen Jacob getting upset by the way he was bouncing his legs. "I see y'all like cracking jokes over there but over here we crack jaws!" Jacob said with a evil smirk in his face. "I see y'all bitches ain't joking no more! " He said laughing.

* Jacob's P.o.v

Chres rubbed my shoulder to calm me, and it worked. We sat there having small talk and laughing about random things for a good 2o minutes. Until a very beautiful brown skinned lady walked to the table smiling from ear to ear. "Mommy!" Crissy screamed a ran towards the lady. "Hey Boobie! I missed your beautiful face everyday I was gone." Mrs.August said picking Crissy up and kissing her on the cheeks.

Chresanto pulled me up from my seat and I suddenly got nervous. Chres cleared his throat and Crissy and her eyes moved towards us. "Ma this is Jacob my boyfriend. Jacob this is my mom Mrs.-" Chres got cut off. "Call me Connie sweetie." She said handing Crissy to Chresanto and giving me a warm hug. " Nice to meet you Connie." After that we sat down, Crissy sat in the middle of me and Connie. Chresanto sat on the other side of me. We ordered our food.

"Mommy can you pass me the ketchup? " Crissy said. "Yes baby." Me and Connie said at the sametime and also reaching for the ketchup. "O-ooh, umm sorry." I said nervously. "It's fine.Why you answered to mommy?" She cheesed awkwardly. "I, Ummmm. " I looked over at Chres for help , I couldn't bring my self to tell her the truth. "Ughh look Ma , I'ma start by saying this. You hardly ever in Crissy life. So when Jacob started coming around being her babysitter and my boyfriend." He looked at me and smile.

"Crissy gravitated towards Jacob and she see and feel like he's her Mommy just like she see and feel like I'm as her Daddy. I'm suprise she ain't started calling you Connie." Connie looked at Crissy who was now sitting in my lap. "Crissy?" Crissy looked over at Connie. "Yes Mommy?". "Do you really think he's your Mother?" She questioned. "Well yes I do. He do my hair. Feed me. Buy me things. Clean me. When I was in school helped me with my ABC'S. He take care of me like a Mommy should and Roc also do those things to he is my Daddy, and I wovee them so much!" She kissed me and Chres on the cheeks. I looked over at Chresanto who had tears rolling out his like I did. "Who Am I then Boobie?" Connie said. "My 2nd Mommy." B.G said plainly. "Okay , well I guess it's time for me to go back to the house.". "Can I go?" Connie nodded and they got up and left. So did we.

"Let's go spend some time at our new crib." He said referring to the condo his mom bought him last year.



{A/N}: Kelly Rowland  Is Soo Beautiful Soo I Decided To Let Her Be Roc's Mother in this Story!

She's Soo Gorgeous!

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