Part 8

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"Strong heartbeat, always a good sign." The doctor commented.
We were in the room listening to the rhythmic sound of our child breathing. Soon as I heard it I wanted to cry. Anthony was standing above me grinning from ear to ear, he seemed to be more excited than me. When we got back from the hospital a month ago he did a complete turnaround, I haven't seen a bottle of liquor or a flash of anger in a long time and I was trying to make it last. He still had his controlling ways, but I was able to drive my own car again if he knew where I was going and how long I would be gone. I had to download an app on my phone that would let him know my exact location, he said so if anything happened to us he would be able to get there. I was back going to meet investors and potential clients, they all loved my small belly and I was just enjoying the attention. I had tried to reach out to my mother to tell her about my pregnancy, but she was still ignoring me; I knew she was mad, but I still wanted her to apart of this experience.

"Would you like to know the gender?"

"We're gonna wait until labor Doc." Anthony answered.

"You two aren't having a gender reveal? Those are popular nowadays." The doctor finished up and wiped the goo off my belly. I sat up and adjusted my shirt.

"No, we want to be surprised. We don't care what we're having as long as it's healthy." I replied.

Truth be told neither one of us had enough family or friends to host a gender reveal anyway.

"How exciting. Dad, do you mind if I speak with mother alone?" she asked politely, and a frown formed on Anthony's face

"Is everything alright with my baby?" he demanded.

"Yes, baby is fine. Just need to ask mom some personal questions."

"Well, whatever you have to ask, you can ask in front of me." He huffed, folding his arms.

I touched him gently and he looked down at me

"Babe, I'll be fine. Can you get me some snacks from the vending machine?" I asked softly, trying to keep him calm.

"Snacks? You got it." he immediately responded, before shooting a glare at the doctor and walking out the room.

"Quick temper." The doctor observed staring at me intensely, but I looked away

"He's on edge with the baby and his job and- "

"Lina, I didn't want to tell you this in front of him but you're baby is stressed out. Now, I'm not sure if it's due to your own emotions or what. But, judging by the scars on your body I assume it's something else." The doctor said solemnly, watching for my reaction. I didn't respond, and she continued "I am not CPS I'm not here to be in your business, but I do want to inform you that if you don't reduce the stress on the child you risk losing it. Keep that in mind." She stated before walking out the room.

When Anthony came back a few minutes later I was still sitting in the same position.

"What's wrong? What did she say?"  he asked, arms full of snacks.

"Oh nothing, I was just waiting on you to come back." I lied effortlessly.

Our car ride was quiet and when he asked me what was wrong I said I was sleepy and didn't really feel like talking. When we got home I told Anthony I needed to lay down, he offered to take a nap with me, but I declined. I was happy he didn't push the issue because I wanted to be left alone. Once I had undressed and laid down, the Dr's words played in my head over again. If my baby was stressed, one little thing could affect my entire pregnancy. Anthony had been good up until now, but would I be out of harm's way for the next 24 weeks? I felt scared, because I wanted my baby. I had to figure out a way to get away from Anthony and it had to be before he flashed on me again. I wouldn't be able to stomach a miscarriage! I was thinking long and hard until I feel asleep formulating my plan.

"Baby wake up, you need to eat something." I heard a voice in my ear and my eyes fluttered open.

Anthony was standing over me, holding a tray of food. I sat up, but when the smell of eggs hit my nose I jumped out the bed and raced to the restroom. I barely opened the toilet seat before I started throwing up. Anthony came in behind me and crouched down, he rubbed my back and pulled my hair away from my face. I was happy he was trying to be there for me, but it was already too late. My child's safety had become my top priority and I knew I would have to let Anthony go in order to get that. When I was finished, I clung to his arm as he helped me up and walked me over to the sink. I rinsed my mouth out and he helped me back to the bed. Anthony snatched the bowls of eggs off the tray

"I'm gonna throw these away." He mumbled, walking out the room. When he came back I was cuddled under the blankets with my back to the food. I had lost my appetite.

"Come on baby, you gotta feed my kid." He whined.

"I'll eat later." I mumbled, closing my eyes and pretending to fall back asleep.

"Alright, but if you don't eat anything when you wake up I'm taking you back to the doctors. I thought pregnant women ate all day."

"Every pregnancy is different Anthony," I sighed, he was starting to bug me. "Can I sleep now?"

"Yeah baby, my bad. I'm gonna run some errands. I'll be back. Call me if you need anything." He came around to me and bent down to kiss my forehead.

I watched him through squinted eyes as he walked out the room, closing the door behind him.  I listened until I heard the front door close then I hopped out the bed. I went to the room door and pushed the lock in place, I didn't need Marisol barging in on me. I tiptoed back into the bathroom, my palms started to sweat. I knew Anthony was gone but for some odd reason I felt as if he was still watching me. I shook the eerie feeling away and opened the medicine cabinet; there was only a razor and some shaving cream occupying the shelves, and I reached up to remove them. After I took out the shelves, I pushed against the back of the cabinet and it caved, just like I knew it would. Plenty of nights Anthony came in here thinking I was sleep, but I was watching. He always pushed the back of the medicine cabinet, it was the cover to the safe he had built inside the wall. There was a key code, but I knew it because he had the same one for everything. Once I punched in the code, the safe unlocked and I pulled open the door. My eyes widened, I was expecting this much cash! There were stacks and stacks of hundreds, diamond jewelry, paperwork, and a gun tucked in there. I reached up and grabbed a handful of hundreds, I didn't want to take anything he would notice. I knew trying to steal money from him was a risk, but I was willing to take it if I could protect my baby. I didn't have any other source of income, so I was doing what I felt I needed to.  I stuffed the money in my bra and organized the safe exactly how it was before I shut the door and put the medicine cabinet back in order. I turned around slowly as if I was expecting him to pop out and catch me. I let out my breath and smiled a little, that wasn't so bad. If I was careful and quick like that every time I would have enough to leave soon. My plan was still underdeveloped because I didn't know where I was going to go or I how I was going to get there but I was leaving period. I had my mind made up, Anthony could put on the façade all he wanted; I knew that if he was to get angry enough me and my baby weren't safe. I didn't want to live like that for the rest of my life. I knew what I was choosing was uncertain, I wouldn't have any help once I was gone and that's why I was going to lift as much money as I could before he noticed and by the time he did, I'd be far far away. I went to my nightstand and shoved the money in a pair of socks. I would have to find a better stash spot, but for now that would do. I went over to the room door and unlocked it, then I climbed back into the Cali king and slept like a baby

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