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"ISRAR!!" shouted Sonia very excited. Just then Dharam who lay motionless on the ground, turned over to see if it was truly Israr.

"Israr" he grasped, and got up, holding his stomach tightly.

"How many times do I have to tell you villains that nobody harms my friends!!" announced Israr very seriously.

Hunter released his hand, and shouted,

"How come you are alive??"

"This uniform is severely cool!!" announced Israr in a cool way, showing off the uniform. Dharam began to laugh, and then slowly walked over to the heroes' side.

"Plan?" asked Joshua, and Sonia looked at him and laughed.

"What is this??" thought Dharam, "A moment ago they were scared to death, but now they are laughing after Israr arrived!!"

Israr stood infront of the heroes, proudly and confidently.

"Formation Million Dollar Smile!!" announced Israr, "or in other words, formation alpha pattern two," he said looking at Dharam, because he knew Dharam always forced to have formal names for all formation. They changed their formation, and while doing that, Israr winked at Sonia, and she stood by his left.

"What?? Why is she changing the formation??" thought Dharam, "Israr winked at her, there must be something to it!!"

Israr launched straight towards Hunter, but instead of confronting Hunter straight, he was thrown high up in the sky, by Joshua's land piece raised under him. From high up, Israr started collecting his fire energy, forming a huge ball out of it, and he threw it at Hunter shouting, "Terror Destroyer!!". Hunter took a direct hit from it, and before he recovered, a huge land piece of the shape of a punch, hit him straight. Joshua stretched his arms and legs and concentrated his energy. Countless pieces of land started coming out, and joined together, forming a huge spherical and spiked land piece that floated in the air a feet above the ground. Joshua stood behind it, and pulled himself back and step, and then with full energy he jolted forward and kicked it, shouting "Rock Crimson!" when that hit Hunter on his stomach, he fell on his knees. He got up the next second.

"Thanks for standing up!!" said Dharam, and the next instant the sky changed clouded and a thunder fell straight on the Hunter. He stood breathing heavily in pain. Sonia came running to him, and spinned around him, but just then, he hit her with his arm, and she fell down far.

"This stupid formation you made, and these stupid attacks you did, will do you no good!!" he said, "I'll show you what real power is!!" he said, and reached for his neck, and was left shocked. His amulet wasn't around his neck. He looked behind him, Sonia had it.

"You fooled me, all that formation and attacks were only to fool me, to get my amulet!!" shouted Hunter in absolute anger.

"Precisely our plan," said Israr laughing, " and you were a fool, to use it infront of us, showing us how it works . . . imagining a weapon and touching the amulet, to make that weapon come alive!!"

In anger Hunter dashed towards Sonia, and scared, she took out a mouthed rocket launcher and fired at him, and he fell back far. Getting up again, he fought Israr, Joshua and Dharam.

"Sonia!! do something!!" shouted Joshua, receiving a punch.

"I don't know, I'm not able to imagine any weapons!!" she replied.

You'll Never Know Chronicles:  Wrath of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now