Lunch table

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(Veronica's pov)
  Betty, Kevin and I walked to our normal lunch table. Sitting there already was a ginger boy with muscles. He saw me with Betty and Kevin and smiled warmly. A bit too warmly, in my opinion. Betty and Kevin steered me towards the table where he was sitting, why?! He looked so desperate and to be honest, I'm more in to girls.
  We finally got to the table, sadly I was automatically sat next to the desperate, ginger boy. He smiled again, but so much more creepy this time.
  "So, who's the cute chic?" The boy laughed.
  "Keep it in your pants, Archie, " Betty suggested.
  "I'm being nice, so what's her name?" The boy asked again, but serious this time.
  "I'm Veronica Lodge, and you are?" I decided to say, otherwise this would be going on forever.
  "Archie Andrews, pleasure to meet you, Veronica!"
  "Nice to meet you too!" I smiled, he looked satisfied.
  I then turned to Betty, when I was in the corridor I couldn't stop looking at her. She gave me the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, like I'm about to throw up love hearts. Now I read that back that sounds really disgusting!
  As I stared at Betty, a red headed girl strutted up behind us, saying, "Whatcha staring at new girl?"
  I blushed, this other girl had just caught me staring weirdly at a girl. What will she think of me?!
  "Nothing, why do you want to know?" I asked, with a mock quizzical look on my face.
  "You were just staring at-" she started.
  "No, I wasn't. Anyway, why are you here?" I retorted, looking menacing. Well...tried.
  "I was gonna invite you to try out for the River Vixens, but if you have an attitude then maybe I'll reconsider!" she sassed.
  "I love too, but Betty is trying out too, " I said, trying not to look suspicious.
  "Alright, but she probs won't get in, if you remember last-" she tried to start.
  "Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin laughed. I knew that Kevin was interrupting this girl for a reason, but what is that reason?
  "Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" the girl retorted. Well... that was rude!
  "How about you just leave if your going to be a bitch to my friends!" I decided, I wouldn't let this girl bully my friends, especially because I don't want to be who I was in New York.
  "And who are you to talk, Veronica?" she said, menacingly.
  "How do you know my name?"
  "Do you really think I don't look up the people who enter my school?!" she questioned.
  "My personal life is nothing to do with you!" I yelled at her. I got up from the table and ran away crying. I don't know where I was running but I hoped somewhere far away from that red haired,  mean girl copy.

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