Chapter Four- Dear Alissa, Count Me In.

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(Bekkah’s POV)

We both sit there, oh so awkwardly for a minute, realizing that there are 2 teenage girls who are both attracted to females in this room; Alissa and I.

Then trying to change the subject, I say, “Hey, have you heard the news about Gerard Way?”

“No, what?” Alissa responds, and I take out my phone and open twitter. I go to Gerard Way’s twitter, on one of his tweets from this morning. I show Alissa the tweet, and she looks stunned, with her eyes wide open and her mouth dropped.

The tweet read, “Divorces are brutal. Bisexuality changes a lot of things. Glad I’ve got Bandit ☺”

“Oh my fuck. He’s bisexual?! And divorcing Lyn-Z?!” she says, completely surprised.

“Yup, but there’s more to the story.” I say, with a smile, and then go to Frank Iero’s twitter. I go to one of his tweets from this afternoon, show it to Alissa, and once again, she’s stunned with big eyes and a dropped mouth.

Frank’s tweet read, “I’m short and gay. At least I can play guitar #aintnowifey”

“W-w-w-w-w-wait. Does that mean-“ I cut of Alissa with a picture from Mikey Way’s twitter from a few hours ago, and now she has a huge gorgeous smile on her face.

The picture was of Gerard and Frank holding hands, with Gerard kissing Frank on the cheek, and Frank smiling adorably. The caption was “Aren’t they just the cutest couple ever?”

So now Alissa knows that yes, frerard is true.

We both start screaming and fangirling and jumping on her bed, so extremely happy. It’s every MCRmy girl’s dream for frerard to be confirmed.

Then, we both fall on to the bed, laughing hysterically. We stop laughing, and our faces meet. We look into each other’s eyes, deeply.

Without even thinking about it, I kiss Alissa, slowly and passionately. Her lips were soft, and her breath smelled like Cocacola, but I didn’t care. It was amazing. My first genuine, meaningful kiss. I hope she feels the same way…

I pull away from the kiss, and I look away, feeling doubt that she even likes me, but then she turns my head, and kisses me again.

This time the kiss was longer, and even more passionate than before. We both pull away at the same time and giggle, not sure what to say.

“So, um, uhh, are we a thing now or was that just a weird lesbian moment?” Alissa says, making me laugh.

“I hope not…” I say with a smile, waiting for her to answer.

“Okay, then I guess were a thing now? Like a couple?” 

“Yeah, I guess so.” I respond, blushing.

“WE’RE FLAMING HOMOSEXUALS!” Alissa almost screams, excitedly.

We both laugh hysterically, and lay down, and fall asleep next to each other.

(Next day)

“Rebekkah. Rebekkah. Bekkah!” She whispers excitedly, while tapping on my shoulder, waking me up.

“What what is it?” I say, very tiredly.

“MCR has a new song.” She says, excitedly.

“Uhh okay I’ll listen to it later. Wait? MCR? As in My Chemical Romance?!” I say, excitedly. This better not be a sick prank.

“Yes, yes they do! And an album to go along it is coming out next week! September 30th to be exact, and that’s when Gee said Hesitant Alien’s gonna come out! Frank said that his album was to express his love for Gee, hoping they’d fall in love, and Gee’s songs were just for a bit of weird fun!” 


“Okay, yay! It’s called Good Vibes, and the album’s called Ghosts of Technology! He’s been leading us to it all along with his tweets! I’ve been waiting for you to wake up to listen to it, I’m super excited!!” She says, and then searches the song on YouTube, and plays it.

‘You’re gone now, leaving me with the glory,

Now I get to make some new stories.

I’m not deprived, I feel more than alive.

From here on out it’s only good vibes!’

“Wow this song is awesome! It’s like a mix of all the MCR eras! It’s so emo yet so upbeat!” She said, and I nodded my head agreeing, while screaming along to the chorus. 

After the last time they play the chorus, there are some orgasmic sexy noises, like the ones in Destroya.

“Are you watching porn?” My brother, Mason, walks in and says just when the song finishes.

“No dipshit, it’s a song.” Alissa replies, very sassily.

Just then, Mason looks at me and starts blushing hysterically when I look back. What the hell?

“Umm, uhhh, okay bye now.” Mason says and rushes out the door, and I hear him run to his room, slamming the door shut.

“Oooo, I think Mason has a crush on you,” Alissa says, jokingly.

“wait what the hell?” Now Alissa is creeped out. I start laughing, and say,

“Well whatever, I’m all yours.” I say with a smile, and Alissa blushes and looks down. I kiss her cheek, and she looks up at me, giggling.

“So what do you want for breakfast?”




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