Valker rushes to school trying to be as fast as he can but he didn't make in time. The bullies, tower over Valker as if they were in the military. "WHERE'S MY LUNCH," one of them yells into Valker's ear. The bullies yank and pull Valker's backpack causing all its contents to spill out. "HAY, THERE IT IS," The bullies grab the lunch bag and shoved Valker aside. But suddenly, the bully falls without anything to trip on. The bag flies across the air hitting one of the teachers. Ms.Palercause stares at the bully with the most hard faced eyes ever. The bullies froze and then in a couple of minutes, detention. Valker LOVED the sweet smell of karma but the didn't last until he found out the James was behind all of this but he was still happy that for the FIRST TIME he got his lunch back. The day does on like any other normal day except for lunch which he got his own lunch. After all classes and it was time to go home. Valker packs his things and heads out.James is standing outside waiting for him. James, in order to not embarrass himself just waves when no one is looking. James makes hand gestures to sign Valker to follow him. Valker runs over to James and asks "Why are you here?" James tells him that he wants to show Valker something. James rushes toward a forest and Valker comes with not knowing what would happen next.

The One Step To Fly
SpiritualUmmm. This is my first story that I have made and I hope you like it. It's a short story just so you know.