Chapter 2

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I glanced at my reflection in the half-broken mirror hanging in the bathroom. trying to ignore my older brother sat in a waterless bath staring at me, I glanced down at him waiting for him to say something, but nothing came. Signing I opened the cupboard, glanced inside to see if we had everything I needed to cover Zack's fist.again.

Zack is 23 CEO of Dads company, He must have tried to get girls to go bad and defy their parents and sleep with him.again. If that didn't work he would go out drinking, beat some poor man up who has decided to say to him 'Sir, you might want to stop drink' then come home sit in the bath fully clothed and wait for me to come in in the morning.

People normal look at my family when we are out and see what my dad wants them to see. That picture-perfect moment where everyone is lined up, smiling when that blinding light goes off, then straight away the mother and father start to argue the boy goes of angry at some nonsense and the girl starts to cry. That's mostly my family, except the mother, we never had one.

One day we probably had a mother but not for a long time, Dad was everything we had. I had. Zack had his fiancee but she left shortly after mother did, I had to pick up the family at the ripe age of 9. Zack snapped out of love fast as his fiancee was only around to keep our mother from whining. That's what I got told. By everybody. Excluding Zack.

Zack never spoke anything about the incident, he never said anything. he never says anything. Some girls would say that Zack was the strong but silent type, Others would say he's a bad boy Bachelor, which I guess has some thrill to the idea, I would say he's just a broken boy who needs love. sometimes I hear him cry, or I think I do.

As I sit in front of Zack, I wonder what causes him to act like this but at the same time, I'm just glad he's here. As the light slowly fills the bathroom like the tub he's sitting in should be, I smile softly at my older brothers purple knuckles. Happy, I have this time with him, as I go to wring out the blood-stained cloth, reminding myself I have to through it out before father see's, I hear him sign softly mumbling something quietly.


'Yes?' I didn't know how to react, this wasn't what is meant to happen, he waits patiently, then gets up looks me in the eye, say's thanks you then leave. He doesn't talk.

'I did something really stupid last night and ur not going to be happy....' i glanced other at him waiting to continue ' have to attend then next ball, I can buy you a dress, that one you liked when I took u dress shopping? or we can get you a different one, maybe a simple ball gown?'

I looked at him with mouth wide open, hoping he isn't serious. Him knowing more then father I hate these 'balls' or 'dances' and that I will only attend when it is necessary, or we need to uphold a tight front for the business. Last I heard from father this wasn't about the business which means he needed something from me and if I know Zack it wasn't anything good.

'can I design something to wear? then please may you take it down to the seamstress?' i hoped he could tell the plea in my voice if I was going to show my face it would be in some dress that will make me look different from everyone.

'of course, my dear sister, I'm sorry for dragging you out. I must be off. I will see you tonight.' with that he struts off.

I glance at my reflection in the mirror, wondering how I got myself here, not recognising my reflection anymore I wandered off to start cooking breakfast. U must be thinking don't you have servants to do the cooking?? The answer is yes we do but it's Sunday, the lords day. Not that I believe in that sort of thing just don't tell my father. Please.

I look around the kitchen noticing how empty it looks before the grocery boy comes on Monday, remember a mental note to get the grocery boy to come Thursday alongside Monday. Looking out of the single glassed window that overlays the garden trying to piece together what I'm going t wear to this 'ball' that is going to happen. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something trying climb over our fence. Slowly so I don't startle this thing I waltzed to the patio doors being as still as a wolf on a hunt, opening the creaking doors silently is harder then you would think it would be. after spending ruffly 5 minutes the door was open without a single noise, unaware it didn't go unnoticed by the creature in the garden, who started to bound towards me. For me, it looked like a large dog with a spear that finishes its tail. It looked deadly so I ran back into the kitchen.

Not sure what I should say to brother or Father about the creature I saw, I look slightly out the kitchen window only to come face to face with the creature, his head was slightly cocked to the side with his tongue hanging out this mouth lapping at the window like the morning dew was food. as I stare at this being, forgetting the reason I was in the kitchen just after sunrise. I started to wonder was this thing as lonely as I am? if I asked father would he let me keep it? or should I ask brother if he would allow me to keep it? 

The more I stared at the creature, forgetting the cooking I should be doing for father, I started to notice the little patches of fur on his head that is missing on his caramel red coat, going against my better judgement I skipped back to patio door to let the creature into the house. What can I say the creature is hurt and need food.

As I let the creature come past me into fathers house it rubbed his giant head against my stomach as if to say thank you for letting me in. the creature goes ridged beside me, he started to growl with his tail wrapping around my leg for comfort? or support. I giggled at this funny creature, I start to pet it only to hear someone approach my side.

'do you like my present princess?'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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