Night 1

387 3 2

Night 1
12 AM

12 AM


Ring Ring Ring...

"Hey, bud! This is Greg. Thanks for helping us out with this again. Normally we'd have one of our staff be the night watchman, but we're, uh, still stuck in Alabama, getting our equipment together to ship back... so, I guess an intern will have to do! And, uh, don't worry, I-I know you'll be fine. The last intern just... well, uh...

A-Anyway, we've already set up cameras for you to keep an eye on the place, and more importantly, we need you to, uh... keep a close eye on a suit for us. You'll see him lying down, he's Photo-Negative. You really can't miss him! Now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours floating around the workplace, and legally, I can neither confirm nor deny any suspicious activity due to a... supernatural being. But, uh... let's say, hypothetically, if something were to get into your office, it's very important that you make noise somewhere else in the building.

We found that shutting off one of the cameras seems to work. Because, well, it can't really see... but it has pretty good hearing... and you'll need to react quickly... Anyways, I've gotta get back to packing up the gear so we can head back. 'Till then, check those cams, and we'll, uh, see you later!"


"Oh... I just have to watch cameras? This is too easy! I mean, it is pretty late... no, I can't sleep... I have to do what they told me..." I said to myself.

I turned on the tablet and looked through the cameras.

"Hmm... nothing's wrong... what did they mean by suit?"


"Oh, that thing..."


"Let's check the other cameras..."

I looked at some more cameras.

"Now check the suit again."

I went back to the camera which showed the inverted Mickey Mouse costume and to my surprise, it was standing.

"Why is it standing? It wasn't like that before, was it? Am I losing my mind?"

The camera changed to static.

"The camera is static..."

All of a sudden, it moved...



1 AM


I put the tablet down and something appeared in my office, I saw it in the corner of my eye...

"Hey," it said in a hushed, perverted, but perfectly executed Mickey Mouse voice, "Wanna see my head come off?"


"No!!" I answered, "HOW ARE YOU MOVING!? YOU'RE A SUIT! PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO WEAR YOU!" I yelled, feeling horrified...

"Calm down, Greg told me to shut off a camera to make noise somewhere else in the building..."

I pulled up the tablet and shut off camera 5.

"Nice, it left. How did it get in here anyway? Is someone playing a prank on me? Greg? Lisa?"


"GREG? LISA? I know you're here, so answer me!!"


2 AM


"I guess it was just my imagination, hallucinations maybe?" I said, trying to think of reasonable answers to this... "But then why did the suit disappear from the camera when it came to my office?"

"This is getting freaky, I shouldn't have come here..."

"Think positive Jake, maybe it didn't want to hurt me? There's a decent chance..."


3 AM


It appeared in my office again suddenly...

"Hey......................." it said in the same voice but slightly different.


"Stop coming in here!"


I heard a noise from the tablet...

Cam 5 was back...

I shut of camera 5 again and the inverted Mickey costume left the room.

4 AM


I looked through the cameras for about an hour, this somehow slowed the suit down.

5 AM


It finally turned 5 AM! Nearly time to rest, just another hour to go...

I looked through the cameras for a long time, and eventually he wasn't on any...


I put the tablet down and to my surprise, the inverted Mickey costume was there...

I didn't see or hear it come in!

It began to walk towards me...

"HEY, WANNA SEE MY HEAD COME OFF?" it asked in the same voice as the first time, but much louder.

"No, Mickey please don't kill me! I have a hard life, I don't wanna lose it though!


It just laughed and came super close to me, its nose was now touching mine...


"Mickey, please do-"


6 AM


It disappeared...

"D-Did I do it?" I asked myself.


I walked to the door and opened it. I then looked at the sky and saw that it was getting bright, it looked to be 6 AM. I checked my watch and... it was!



"Wait, wasn't this door locked?"


"I can't leave now, I have to spend the other nights here and I'll have company when they get here..."

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