Night 3

192 3 2

Night 3
12 AM

12 AM

Ring ring ring...

"Hello, can you hear me? Hello? Oh, thank goodness you can hear me! Uh, listen... please, my name is Henry. I know what's going on, every.. single.. secret... I-I can't tell you over the phone, they are listening. Just... please, if you can hear this, you have to meet me at Pirate Caverns tonight. Tell no one. It's really important, and I promise you I'll tell you everything you nee-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"



"Henry? I think I remember him..." I said to myself quietly. "I'm not sure though..." "I guess I'll meet him at 3 AM."

"I just have to survive for about 3 hours..."

I pulled up the tablet and looked through the cameras.

"Camera 5 has a suit? It's standing up..."

Music began to come from the monitor in that room.

"That music is hurting my ears!!"

"I don't deserve this life!" a voice yelled.

Mickey appeared in my office so I shut off a camera. He appeared again so I shut off another. He appeared one more time, forcing me to shut off one more. "Leave me alone Mickey!" I yelled

"God? God? God?" Oswald was asking for God.

"I'm not God!!" I yelled. "Stop asking that!"

1 AM

"I know you're here so... please bless me and help me out here..." Oswald said.


Oswald appeared in my office.

"Don't bless this one..."

I shut off a camera.

I looked through the cameras for about an hour, not realising the suit at my desk.

2 AM

"The spirits... they are coming..." the suit said.

"What... was... that?" I asked myself.

I put the tablet on the desk and looked around, still didn't notice the suit crawling onto my desk.

"GRAAAA-" it tried to scream but I pushed it and shut off a camera, making it disappear.

"What the hell was that!?" I yelled.

The weird greyscale Mickey costume entered my room and said "The sights of hell bring its viewers back in..." "I have made many mistakes..."

I shut off a camera and it left.

"What was that? It looked like a recolour of Mickey..." I said, wondering what it was.

I watched camera 10 for a while to slow the distorted Mickey costume down.

3 AM

"It's 3 AM, time to meet Henry. He never said where he was... I guess I'll have to look for him..."

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