ch 1 Prologue

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Ok before we start (Y/N) is 6, yang is 7, and Ruby is 5. Also your semblance gives you a boost in strength anyway enjoy
3rd POV
It was Saturday morning and (Y/N) just got woken up by his younger sibling

Ruby:(Y/N)! C'mon get up I want to play

(Y/N):*groan*five more minutes please

Ruby:no get up and quit being lazy

(Y/N) eventually got up and got dressed even though he really didn't want to

(Y/N):*yawn*morning everyone

Tai:hey bud you doing good

(Y/N):same as every morning lazy and wanting to go back to bed

Tai:sounds about right

(Y/N) got to the table and sat down as Tai got his breakfast and served it to him. Things seemed peaceful for a minute.... till his sisters came around


They tackled him out of the chair halfway through his breakfast

Tai:hey girls you need to calm down. You almost broke the damn chair. AGAIN


Ruby:yeah sorry dad

They got off of him and helped him stand up

Ruby:(Y/N) let's go play. Please please please please please pleeeeaseee

(Y/N):ok ok let me just finish eating please


He then got straight back to eating while ruby and yang went outside to play

Tai:you lasted 25 minutes this time

(Y/N):25 minutes of piece and quite*sigh* better get out side before they tackle me again

Tai:*chuckles*yeah see yah bud

(Y/N):later dad

He went outside only to be tackled again



(Y/N): please get off of me

Ruby:*pouts*ok fine*gets up*come on let's go play

(Y/N ):alright alright what do you girls want to play

Ruby:hide and seek!!!

Yang:and your it

(Y/N):*chuckle*alright go on and play

They both went to hide while (Y/N) started to count. After he was done counting he went off to find his sister's. He found Yang first then Ruby. They played for almost all day switch games every now and then but it was getting late.

Tai:kids c'mon inside it's getting late


As they went inside Zwei managed to get outside and run into the forest


(Y/N):relax I'll go get him

Tai:alright just don't take long

(Y/N):I know dad

(Y/N) went into the forest and saw Zwei scratching a door? It also had a strange symbol on it

(Y/N) went into the forest and saw Zwei scratching a door? It also had a strange symbol on it

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