ch 2 the door

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3rd POV big king crimson (10 years)

Ruby and her sister Yang are over a grave that belonged to their brother (Y/N) who is presumed dead and their mother

(Y/N) Rose
Kind, Funny, Caring, and a good brother
"I don't feel so good"-(Y/N) Rose

They never found a trace of (Y/N). Qrow went to Raven to get her to make a portal (Y/N) but she said she couldn't because her bond with him wasn't strong enough. And now here are his sister's at his grave for the 9th time this year

Ruby:hi (Y/N). Hi mom. Sorry I haven't been around here lately. I've made it into beacon early by stopping a robbery. I hope you guys are proud of me. Yeah I can't remember the every thing she said and to be honest I don't want to write it so I'm going to skip it. *sigh* I wish you both were still here. I need to go can't get kicked out of beacon. I've made it this far so see you two around

With that said she left with Yang and Tai on a bullhead back to beacon. You being gone made tai more protective of his kids so he wouldn't let them be alone after you were gone. Yang rarely talks about you because she's still trying to get over your disappearance. The one it hit the most was ruby, she wouldn't eat cookies for weeks and moved into your room hoping you'll come back.

Scene change

Ruby and Yang were now back in their dorm with their teammates Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee. Blake was reading filth and Weiss was studying till they heard a knock on their door.

Ruby:who is it?

???:It's me Goodwitch

Ruby opens the door for her

Ruby:oh hi professor. What can I help you with?

Goodwitch:professor Ozpin needs your team and team JNPR at his office so please be there in 30 minutes.

Ruby:yes professor

She then left and Ruby informed her team about what happened so they got ready and went to his office

King crimson

When they got to his office team JNPR was already there waiting for them

Weiss:sorry were late SOMEONE pressed all the buttons on the elevator

Ruby:it wasn't me. I swear

Ozpin:*chuckle*it's fine. Anyway I need both of you to go on a mission

Ruby got excited by this but Yang had to hold her so she doesn't do anything crazy

Ozpin:I need both of you to go to a small village a little bit out of vale that's been having a problem with Grimm. Think you can handle it

All:yes sir

Ozpin:good. A bullhead will pick you up in a short while. Make sure your ready

After that the team went back to their rooms to get ready for their missions. Ruby was so excited because this was their second mission in a long time.

Ruby:oh my OUM I can't believe we got another mission

Weiss:ruby calm down it's just a mission

Ruby:but it's been so long since our last one

Blake:just let her be. It's been a while since our last mission

Weiss:but were going to be huntress and we need to act professionally

Yang:calm down ice queen were still only first years

Weiss:*sigh* I don't know why I even try. Let's just go

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