First Day Of School

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"Emma, wake up, we don't have all day to get to school you know", her mother, Marinette said,  as she walked into her room to open up the blinds.

"No, I don't want to go to Middle School...Can I repeat a year?", Emma said covering herself to get away from the rays of sunlight coming from the window in her room.

"No,  your very well educated just like your father was and I'm sure that he is very happy that you've finally reached Middle School", She replied with a giggle.

"Why do you say that?", Emma asked while leaving her warm bed and rubbing her eyes to get used to the sunlight.

"He's been running around all morning, full happy mode. Never seen him like this when it was my first time going", Her older brother, Hugo announced while waking across the hallway eating a croissant and an apple in his other hand. 

"Look, if your going to eat crummy foods, eat it on the table, will you,"Marinette said.

"Let him do whatever he wants, its the first day of school,"Adrien said while scooping up Louis, the youngest child, from the floor as he was walking by in the hallway to collect his school bag from his room. 

"Put me down," Louis shrieked, and was zoomed off, away from the others. By then, Hugo was gone, leaving a trail of croissant crumbs behind him. The door bell rang and Hugo left early with his friends. Emma was eating breakfast at the time and went on her phone to cheek up on what was going on. 

"Emma, hurry up. You don't want to be late for school,"Her father shrieked and Emma just shrugged and checked the time.

"Um... you know its only 8:oo,"Emma replied with a bored tone

"Oh, well that's just me. See you at school,"He replied, and with that he was out the door excited as ever that her daughter was finally in the same school that he teached as well as Hugo.


"Ugg, its so anoying how my dad was acting so joyful and happy today!"Emma stated to her best friend, Adele. She was her best friend since birth and they would always be together, everywhere. Her mother was none other than Alya, Marinette's best friend since Middle School.

"Um, does he happen to have our class or your brothers class", Adele asked suspiciously.

"My parents didn't mention anything about that, but that's impossible", Emma stated to her best friend as they walked into their classroom. They talked together for five minutes until the teacher came in. All the students became silent, but Emma was still talking with Adele and never noticed the silence nor the teacher walk into the room.

"Miss Agreste, do you mind stopping your conversation please so I can introduce myself and mark the roll", The teacher stated in a teacher like tone. Emma looked up slowly to find none other than her own father. 'This is going to be a wild year,' She thought as he moved towards the front of the room with a tablet in his hand and a pen in the other.

Boom, first Fan-fic that i hope to keep up. Miraculous Ladybug is a big thing in my life and Girl Meets World is such a good show for laughs. Girl Meets World humour would mainly be next chapter or the chapter after. I thought of this myself and have many other ideas for the future. Emma is dense just like her parents, her friend is 0% dense, Hugo is 60% dense and Louis is 10% dense. For the parents... guess?

Also, if you want to design a cover 4 me, that would be great. You would get a big shout out and if you want a shout out please comment, vote, and follow if you want (I wont force you😊)

Have a lovely day❤

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