Chapter 4: The Puppy

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August 27, Wednesday

        It was lunch, and I was hiding from Nathan. I was still into the incident yesterday, so it would be harsh for him to see my bruise. Kids were scurrying out, but I couldn't see Nathan anywhere. I think the close was clear. I slowly went out of my hiding place, (Behind the trash can, and I know it's an obvious hiding place and totally smelled of rotten fish) and started to get my food.

        As I was going to my table with my tray of burgers, I regretted going out.

        "There you are, Crap," a voice behind me said.

        "Gah!" I yelled, surprised, my tray fell to my feet. It hurts so badly! Other kids looked at me, disgusted looks on their faces. Some were giggling. Well, it's a good thing the burgers were saved. I picked it up and whirled around. Damn you Nathan!

        "I've been looking for you yesterday! Man, where were you?" He asked.

        "Um, I just need to go early yesterday..." I lied, and tried to run away, but my feet seemed glued to the floor. Guess there's no turning back right now.

        "Well, it's cool you're here," he said. Behind him were four, tall boys I've never met before. That was embarrassing for the fact that they saw me being a klutz. "By the way," Nathan continued. "These are my boys: Joshua, Benjamin, Oliver, and Thomas. Guys, this is Crap. She's new here." He looked at the four boys behind him.

        "Um, my name is..." He cut me off.

        "They're from the 8th Grade basketball team, and they're cool," Nathan said, smirking. "They're senior, and I'm uh... Junior..."

        "Yeah, man," Oliver said. "He's famous for his basketball jams. He was like shooting lasers at those losers. He has no mercy man!" He patted Nathan hard on the back. I smiled at them, and feeling a little happy about Nathan losing air from that hard pat.

        "Yeah, that never happened..." Nathan said modestly, still out of breath. "Um, let's take our seats?"


        "Hey," I whispered to Nathan. "Why'd you call me Crap?"

        "Well that's your name, right?" He replied. "Remember at the park."

        "Um, will you stop?"

        "Nope, you can't make me." He smirked at me again.

        Ugh, I guess I have to go with it.

        "So, how's Isabella, Nathan?" Joshua said.

        Nathan rolled his eyes. "Dude, I told you, I'm not interested in her."

        "Well, sounds like you have feelings for someone right now." Thomas said.

        Nathan looked at me, as I pretended to eat my burger and look away.

        "Um, no," Nathan said.

        "Well, I think it's time for practice," Benjamin said. "See 'ya man."

        They stood up and fist bumped Nathan.

        "Aren't you supposed to practice also?" I asked.

        He shook his head. "No, only seniors get to practice."

        Lunch ended.


        School was done, but everything was worse.

        As I walked to the bus, I saw Isabella. She approached me, and then pushed me on the ground. I hit so hard, I could feel my wrist cracking.

        "So, what're you doing with Nathan huh?" She taunted.

        I tried to stand up. "What is wrong with you?" I asked.

        "You stole Nathan from me!"

        "He's never going to like you!" It was a wrong choice.

        She pulled my red hair and pushed me again. She was quite strong. She kicked me to the ground until my sides ache.

        "Whoa!" I heard Nathan yell. "What the heck? Isabella!"

        I couldn't hear what they were saying. Now, Nathan helped me up. "You okay?" I said. I ran away. I ran until I went home.

        Before my foster parents saw me, I washed my face to get rid of the dirt and some blood.


        Dinner time came, but I was too depressed to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Ravens seemed to notice me.

        "Are you okay, Autumn?" Mr. Ravens said. "Are you depressed?"

        I pushed away my plate. "I'm not hungry." I went upstairs and dressed up to my pjs. I didn't care about the homework I should do, I just wanna sleep.


        I woke up suddenly. It was still 8:45; I heard some barking noises outside. I went to my foster parents' room.

        "Hey," I said, making them wake up. "I heard some barking noises outside."

        They made me go outside to check out. I grabbed an umbrella, since it was raining outside. I opened the door and saw a puppy sitting at our doorstep. He, I think, was thin with his ribs almost clear through his skin. I saw his tail bleeding, but wagging. It seems like a Golden Retriever, and he looks so cute! I looked around me. No one seems to have left him; he was just a stray dog. And he was in the rain all by himself. I picked him up, as I closed the door behind me.

        I dried him up with a towel and placed him on a box. He must be hungry. I took some milk from the kitchen, and fed it to him. He really is hungry! For a second there, my depression was gone. The memories of Isabella hurting me faded away, and I started to feel happy with this dog. I wanted to tell my foster parents, but when I knocked, I could hear snoring noises. Guess I'll have to wait until morning. I took the dog upstairs, while carrying the box. I covered him with a little blanket to keep him warm. He started to close his eyes as I laid him on the box. I looked as his tail, and the bleeding stopped. I wonder what happened to that guy.

        I smiled at him. "Good night, Bruno," I said. This was not really mine, but he must have a name. I finally feel depression going out of me. I feel happy to see him.

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