Gianna got ready for her flight with Will. Pin can't go to Austria because her mother is in hospital and she's the only one who can take care of her. While they're waiting for Will's call, Pin did Gianna's disguise.
*After 2 hours*
Pin: Ma'am I'm sorry I can't come but I promise a soon as my mother's okay, I will follow you there.
Gianna:Pin,it's okay I can handle myself. All you need to do is to take care of your mother. By the way, where's Alice? I need to talk to her.
Pin:She's downstairs ma'am. I will call her ma'am.
Gianna: Okay.Pin called Alice.
Alice:You called me ma'am?
Gianna: Yes. When I'm gone, please take care of father, and gather more info for my mother's death and tell Mr.Carter to investigate more and find my brother. If you have more information just call me or text me okay? Don't trust anyone. Lastly, report to me everyday about how my father's doing.
Alice:Yes ma'am.
Gianna: Thank you.
Alice: You're welcome ma'am.Gianna's phone rang.
Gianna: Hello?
Will:Hello ma'am. This is Will, I'm ready ma'am. I will wait for you in front of the hospital ma'am.
Gianna: Okay.
Will: Take care ma'am.Gianna hang up the phone and they went to the hospital to pick up Will and they went to the airport. Gianna called her dad to say goodbye.
Gianna:Dad, we gotta go now. Take care. I will miss you. I love you tons!!
Steve:I love you too baby. Take care.She hang up the phone because they're going to take their flight.
Gianna: Mr. Anderson, I just want to know, where is the place you used to lived in Austria?
Will: Vienna, Austria ma'am. My house is not big as yours,my bed is not soft as yours, and I don't have a maid ma'am. Sorry in advance.
Gianna:It's okay, I can do it Mr. Anderson. I don't want someone to take care of me, I want to learn everything just by myself. I'm sick of the maids and the guards at my house and I really need freedom and now I'm getting it thanks to you Mr. Anderson.
Will: Oh I didn't do anything, anyways you're welcome ma'am. You can just call me Will ma'am.
Gianna:Oh, I forgot that you're my husband now, and you can just call me Tereza, I'm not Gianna anymore, I'm just a commoner and your wife.
Will(talking to himself): My wife? So did she just accept me as her husband?
Gianna: Hey Will!! What are you thinking?
Will:None ma'am.
Gianna:I just told you to call me Tereza,my new name.
Will:Ma'am, you can call me Will, but I can't just call you Tereza, you're still my boss.
Gianna:That's an order, you must do it I mean we really need to do it because I'm on disguise so I'm not your boss right now, okay? I'm just going to sleep, wake me up if we are already about to take off.
Will:Okay if that's what you want.After 30 mins. Gianna fell asleep and Will was staring at her.
Will: You're still beautiful even if you are in your disguise.
Later on Will also went to his dreamland.
After 16 hours, they're already about to take off.
Will:Tereza! Tereza, wake up! We are here.
Gianna: Ohh already?
Will: Yes.They took off of the plane and rode a taxi and they went to Will's house.
Gianna: Oh you have a nice house.
Will: Thank you ma...
Gianna:I said no formalities.
Will: Oh sorry. Come inside.They went inside the house.
Will: Can you wait for me outside, I'm just going to clean it. I haven't use it for 10 years.
Gianna: No, I will help you clean it.
Will: No need.
Gianna: I may have maids at home, but I know to do household chores.
Will:Okay.*While they are cleaning*
Will: You can hold it like this. You said you know how to do it.
Gianna:We don't have something like this.(She lied, she really don't know how to do it.)After they cleaned it, they went inside to organize their things. Will went to the market to buy things they need. Will cooked for their dinner.
Will: The food is ready.
Gianna: Thank you. Why are you still standing there? Have a seat and eat with me.
Will: No ma'am, you can eat first.
Gianna:That's an order.Will sat down and eat with Gianna.
Gianna: Will, where's your parents by the way?
Will:My father left us when I was 5 years old so my mother married another man.
Gianna: Where's your mother right now?
Will:Somewhere here in Austria. I don't know where because when I was 18, I came back here and live with myself here and sometimes my mom visits me.
Gianna:You must miss your parents?
Will: Of course, I miss the times that we are complete.
Gianna: How does it feel to lose your father?
Will: At first, it was hard but as the time passes by, I slowly accepted it.
Gianna: That's what I did when my mother left us. I really cant accept it at first because she's the only person took care of me, she became my best friend,my enemy when we have a fight and she's my hero. Lucky you, you still have your mom.
Will: Lucky you, you still have your father so it's like a win-win situation.
Gianna: How does your father die?
Will: He died in a car accident.
Gianna:Ohh. My mom died in a car accident too but I don't believe it because how can they found some drugs on her car. She didn't take drugs and she will never take it and they're saying that it's a suicide because of the 3 cuts on her wrist. Right now, they're investigating on it.
Will: Ohhhh yeah we know our mother more tha they do but there are some cases that we think we know them but not.
Gianna: So are you saying, that it's true?
Will: No ma'am. We can't conclude without evidence.
Gianna: That's why they're investigating on it.*Few minutes later*
Will: You can rest, I'm going to do the dishes.
Gianna: Let me help you.
Will:I know you're tired.
Gianna: I know you're tired too, so let me help you.
Will: Okay.*few moments later*
Gianna:How to do it Will?Will laughed.
Gianna:Hey, did you just laughed at me?
Will: Oh no...
Gianna: I saw you, don't you dare lie to me.
Will: Here you do it like this.Will held her hand and he instructed what Gianna must do.
Gianna: Thank you for helping me.
Will: Welcome, now you can sleep.
Gianna:Where's my room?
Will:(pointing the only room) There ma'am.
Gianna: You only have one room?

But I Still Want You
RomanceWhat if you fall in love with someone who is as high as the sky?