*Next day*
Will: Good morning ma..
Gianna: Good morning.
Will:I'm going to the market.
Gianna: Okay I will wait for you here.Will went to the market to buy some necessities.
Unknown: Excuse me, have you seen someone like her?(showing the picture of Gianna)
Madeline: She looks familiar.
Unknown: Where is she?
Madeline: I don't know but she seems familiar.
Unknown: Okay. Thank you. (About to leave)
Madeline: Oh wait, what's her name?
Madeline: Ohhh...I don't know her. I'm sorry. But she looks like Tereza.
Unknown:What did you say?
Madeline: I said I don't know her.
Unknown: After that.
Madeline: She looks like Tereza.
Unknown:Where is she?
Madeline:She's living in that house.
Unknown: Oh thank you.(leaves)Will came back home.
Gianna: Come, let's eat.
Will:You cooked?
Gianna: Yes. Have a sit. I will serve you today.
Will: No ma'am, you can eat first.
Gianna: I said have a sit. Have a taste.Will took a bite of the fried rice and scrambled egg.
Gianna: How was it?
Will: Sorry ma'am it's too salty.
Gianna: No, hahahaha thank you for being honest. I'm the one who should say sorry. I'm sorry for not doing anything to pay you back.
Will: It's okay ma'am. At least your trying your best.While they are eating they heard a knock on their door.
Will: I will go check for it.
Will opened the door.
Will: Oh Madeline, what brought you here?
Madeline: I have to tell you something.
Will: Come inside. What is it all about?
Madeline: There was a man who was asking me if I know that woman he handed me a picture that looks like Tereza with black hair and without bangs and with blue eyes.
Will: So what did you tell him?
Madeline: I told him that she looks like Tereza.
Gianna: What? I mean what does he look like?
Madeline: He looks like an American.
Gianna: So where is he now?
Madeline: I don't know.
Will:Is that all?
Madeline: Yes.
Will: Oh thank you for telling us.
Madeline: Welcome. I'm going now.
Gianna: Okay. Thank you.Madeline went home and suddenly, Gianna's phone rang.
Gianna: Hello?
Alice: Hello ma'am your father was poisoned yesterday, he's still unconscious right now.
Gianna: What?? Do you know who did that to him?
Alice: No ma'am but they're still investigating.
Gianna: Okay. I'm going back. I will fight them. (hangs up)Gianna began to pack her things.
Will: Ma'am where are you going?
Gianna: I'm going back to South Carolina.
Will: Why ma'am??
Gianna: Dad was poisoned. I need to go there. I will fight them face to face to end this problem.
Will: No ma'am. It's just a trap.
Gianna: No. They will not going to stop. (About to cry)
Will: No ma'am. You're going to stay here. They will kill you.
Gianna: I'm going back. My dad was poisoned.(crying so hard)Gianna was about to go out but Will hug her.
Will: Ma'am everything will be alright. It's just a trap. Hiding doesn't mean that you are weak and sometimes its okay to make them win this time because one day, I believe that you will catch them and everything will be alright. You need to be strong and don't fall for their trap.
Gianna is still crying.
Will: I know a safe place where we can go and you can train yourself there.
Gianna: Where?(still crying)
Will: Let's go ma'am.They went to Dachstein Mountains.
Will: Ma'am we're here.
Gianna ignored him because she's still thinking about her father.
Stacy:Will!!!! I missed you so much. (Hugging him)
Will:Stacy!!! I missed you too. (Hugging her)Gianna just watching them.
Stacy: Who is she?
Will: She's my friend.
Stacy: Ohhh nice to meet you I'm Stacy.
Gianna: I'm Tereza.
Stacy: Let's go.They went to their new house.
Stacy: You need to rest. I know you're tired.
Will: Thank you Stacy.
Stacy: Call me if you need anything.
Will: Okay.
Gianna: Why didn't you tell her that I'm your wife?
Will: She's a close friend of mine.Gianna ignored him again with an angry face.
Will: You need to rest first. I'm going to Stacy.
Gianna: Okay. (Sad)Will went to Stacy to say thank you and to talk about how they're doing. Gianna went out of the house to take a look around.
Woman: You're new here?
Gianna: Yes.
Woman: Are you Will's cousin?
Gianna: No. I'm his friend.
Woman: Oh. Nice timing I heard that Stacy is getting married.
Gianna: Really? To whom?
Woman: I think to Will. They've known each other for 15 years.
Gianna: Ohhh. (Sad but pretending to be happy)
Woman: Nice meeting you. I gotta go now.
Gianna: Nice meeting you too.Gianna saw Will and Stacy talking happily. She don't know what to do so she just went to the place where there's no one. She called Alice.
Gianna: Alice, how's my dad?
Alice: He's still unconscious ma'am.
Gianna:(crying) Do you have any information about who did that to my father?
Alice: Not yet ma'am. But your aunt Mila, was claiming that she's the only one who can manage the company without your father ma'am. So your grandfather appoint her as a temporary CEO while your father is unconscious.
Gianna: Okay. How about Pin?
Alice: Her mother is still at the hospital ma'am.
Gianna: Okay report to me ASAP when you find some evidences.
Alice: Yes ma'am.
Gianna: Thank you. I gotta go. (Hangs up)Will was trying to shoot the apple using the bow.
Gianna: What are you doing?
Will: Archery. Wanna try it?
Gianna: No.Gianna was about to leave but Will grabbed her hand.
Will: You should have fun here.
Gianna: How can I have fun when my father is still unconscious?
Will: Stop worrying. Everything will be alright. Just keep smiling and don't worry too much. From now on, you will going to live happily forget about the past. Let go and move on.Gianna went home leaving Will behind.
Gianna:(to herself) Why is he so kind to me? He's marrying Stacy anyway. Why didn't he tell me? Wait.... what am I thinking? Am I jealous?

But I Still Want You
RomanceWhat if you fall in love with someone who is as high as the sky?