CHAPTER TWO (Soul Invasion)

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When the bankai finished the jungle was fired because of its damage.

Because of the strong forces Captain Toshiro had thrown at the middle part of the forest.

"Get out Toshiro I still feel your weak force!"

""I do not really have the level I can not really defeat him with my bankai!"Toshiro whispered.

Charismatic Dr. Mayuri Kurotsuchi's Magical Clinic
12th Division

"Ah ah I can not act anymore because of the wound I got!"

"Haa What's up There's a wounded woman! Operation Hahah!"Mayuri Said.

The wounded woman is Rukiya the woman who was Refugee by Toshiro in the Soul Society Arc.

"Ready to prepare human opera! We have Hahah's surgery!"

"I feel that he is not a normal person! He is a Captain and has a hidden strength!".

"What Are you saying Nemuri! So if thats true soon you will having a new sister HAHAHA!"

*Karakura Town*

"Why did Mayuri attack a long time ?"

""Just wait Renji ! Mayuri is coming, She does not know what to do if he will fight !"

"Ichigo I feel a Wounded Captain near here in Karakura!"

"Well Look at for a wounded Captain before we leave here!"

Renji started to walk to find the wounded Captain he feels. While Ichigo visited their former House.

"I feel that the energy is getting closer here!" Renji whispered to hiself.

Renji was surprised to see Captain Toshiro lying and wounded in the grass.

"What's wrong with this house! Why is it a mess?" Ichigo shouted.

"Hey Ichigo long time no see Huh !"

"What the hell , What are you doing here Grimmjow!"

""I wish I could tell you that I killed your mother!"

""You will pay for this Grimmjow !"

Suddenly Ichigo though It was true but it was only a dream.

When the Kurosaki family visited Masaki's grave, Grand Fisher returned as he could sense their high spiritual power. During the fight, when Ichigo began to lose, her memory upon being killed was released from Grand Fisher's lure, telling Ichigo her last thoughts before she died. All she could think about was how much fun they all had together, and for Ichigo to never stop smiling. Her spirit gave Ichigo the strength to nearly kill the Hollow, forcing him to retreat.

Her family has described her as being a very loving mother and wife. Her view of "caring about herself" is to do everything she can daily. If she lets people die because of a custom her family upholds, she would never allow herself to live it down.

When she was a teenager, she put out a strong, confident front around others, though she was nervous around her adoptive mother and cried when she was alone. She also had a sassy personality, particularly in her interactions with Ryūken Ishida.

Ichigo went out of their House and returned to the Market.

"Ichigo See what I found!"

"Huh! Toshiro why you're wounded!"

"Ichigo do not talk to him first we put him in the clinic"

"Ichigo, I can not even go to the hospital, it looks like i will going to died!"

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