Chapter two - The Ball

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"Ahhh! Evelyn, sweetheart you look simply magnificent!" I heard my mother say to me as soon as I walked into the Annual Family Ball that was taking place in the extravagant Clark House ball room. Yes, our house was that big. 

"Ah yes, thank you mother. It was just something I put on. I am your daughter after all, so I was bound to be blessed with your fashion sense." I said with a fake smile. There were a lot of people standing there so I could not have been indecent or could have brushed her off. Besides, her repuation is her most valuable treasure, next to her wealth. 

I don't even like dressing up.

No, I'm not asking you to wear baggy pants to a formal dinner party but I'm at parties all the freaking time. It kind of gets old when you have to dress up so much. 

I've always wanted to be succesful. Like a doctor, but that was too mainstream so I just imagined myself as a bussiness woman. Oh and did I tell you I am a sociallite? Yeah, kinda like Kim Kardashian.. Except, she actually enjoys what she does ... but I don't. So anyway, it's kind of like a family rule for females to just look pretty and be sociallites, models etc. You can think of it as a family tradition which I find to be extremely unfair. By now you must be wondering why the hell doesn't she do something about it? 

Believe me, I want to. But if anyone 'dares' to rebel against this family tradition, my father doesn't take it very well. This Clark Family tradition goes way back. I don't know which nutjob came up with it and you can't go against it at all. But thankfully my bestfriends, Grace Robertson and Jennifer Louise are against it too. Even my own mother is blinded by it. I mean, what the heck are you gonna do with a pretty face? You're gonna age and die. I want people to remember me, and not as a socialite or a dumb model. No, something more.

"And dinner, is served!" My dad, who was the famous John Clark, called out to the guests. My dad has been a victim of a lot of cheating rumours. However, I never believed him when he said none of them were true. Coincidentally, all of the females he was supposedly associated with were weither billionaires themselves, or were married to owners of the top businesses of the world.

 Again, males can do whatever they want. My mother could not do anything about them, she tried talking to him and asked him to please just be loyal to her but that talk didn't end so well. 

Dad swore he'll divorce her is she ever spoke in his personal matters again. And obviously, my mother backed off since she had no self respect. Money and riches were everything she had, everything she was. You should never be so dependant on someone, especially if that person is like my father.

I walked into the large dining room with my husband. "Evelyn! Hey!", I heard my younger sister Michelle, who I considered to be the bimbo of the family, call out to me. Why is she calling me? We don't talk unless she has to invite me to some party or something.

"There's this hugeee party that Lucy is having, so yeah she asked me to invite you. I hope you come. Toodles.", she said. As expected. She flipped her hair and, iPhone in hand, walked off in her 6-inch high heels. 

"I love the chicken.", Bradley said to me after we sat down to eat. "Yeah, it's nice I suppose.", I replied.

Bradley and I weren't exactly what you'd say ... close. We both were to blame.  He didn't like the idea of females being dominant in the family, or equal. And I'm strongly in favour of gender quality. I mean, why not?

His family had the same beliefs as mines, which is probably why my dad made me marry him. I didn't get to have any say in my marriage. Yes, in my own marriage.

The ball ended. Everyone drove off to their homes, with my mother and father waving them off. I got in our BMW, with my husband in the driver's seat, and we drove off. I sighed. An end to another worthless day. 

Okay yeah, the story isn't so progressive so far, but I promise it will get better. What did you think?

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