Chapter 2

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I have always been fascinated by forests. So much green, so much life yet can it can be destroyed in an instint. “Amber, Amber are you listening to me”. I snapped out of my fantasy I an instinct to hear my best friend Louise contemplating her love life. We were in our school cafeteria. With students voices buzzing with excitement all around us. “Oh yeah sorry, that is so wrong so bad” I say. She glares at me “Were you even listening to me. I was saying how Monca Hern asked me out. MONCA HERN. Can you believe that I just froze up looking like an idiot and nodding my head slowly” “Well considering the fact that she has been your crush for 3 years yes, yes I can. Remember the time you...” She hit me before I could say any more. We both burst out laughing.

The bell rung and I hoped up grabbed my stuff. I had world history with Mr Tralkeson. I sat in my seat eagerly waiting for the teacher. We were starting the top of “history of nature”. Yes I know a confusing name that should probably be a topic in Geography class well if there was thing left. Finally after what seemed like forever our teacher arrived. “Now as many of you may or may not be know today we are staring the unit of the history of nature. We will be studying things like the great barrier reef and the Amazon rainforest. Now does anyone have any questions” he finished and there was pause. Rose Jane the as people woud say the “smartass” of the class raised her hand as she shouts “Why do we even need to no this. Like they have been destroyed for ages. Trigonometry can help us more than this”.

“It is important. We can learn from our mistakes. Make sure it doesn't happen again. Be able help the earth thrive again” I fire back

“Here we go again, pretending you can fix everything. Pretending that your special. They are gone. We get it back. So stop living in your fairytale land.” I turned around and of cause those words came out of Elsie Burn's big mouth. “Settle down class.  That's enough” yelled Mr Tralkson. I shot Elsie and death stare.

I listened eagerly as he started talking about the world. How it keeps changing. From things like the Ice Age or to the Great floods of 2022. “Now for your homework you are to research a place in the world which has had a significant impact on it and answer questions 3,4,5 on page 394.” he continued. The bell rung as everyone rushed out of the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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