Chapter1 & Introvert

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I stared down at my feet, which were encased in black creepers, daydreaming about things that could have been. However, I gazed to the other side of the road as I saw Clara stride over, stretching her legs out.

"Morning dude" I chirped as Clara crossed the road to join me on our trek to school, as we entered the towns central park.

"Hey Lana" My friend said . "Do you think Alex will be there tonight?" She said, referring to the sixth former guy from school, who also went to our judo club, that we'd liked forever. But when I say we, I mean Clara. I used to be head over heels for Alex, however since then I've seemed to have lost my interest in boys and their selfish thoughts.

"Eh I dunno, probably." I sighed. He was nothing compared to... him.

"Probably? He better be there." Clara snapped. I laughed emptily to myself about how crazy she was for Alex, Clara has never even muttered a syllable to him and yet she was convinced that she was experiencing 'love.' But it wasn't love, I could be certain of that.

It was September, so the crispy leaves that blended in with Clara's long messy hair had begun to flake off the gigantic trees that towered over us. The trees acted as a guide right to the street our school sat on. In the distance, there was a pile of ancient leaves, beside a group of boys. A group of towering sixth form boys, and one of them just so happened to be.... Alex. A smirk drew across my face.

Clara and I causally wandered towards the leaf pile, which was in the middle of the wide lane, myself making sure Clara was closest to the leaves and Alex. Whilst timing my move perfectly, I whipped round and shoved Clara down. She squealed and stubbled to the floor. And into the pile of flimsy leaves.

"LANA YOU BITCH!" She screamed as I almost fell down with her,  as I was laughing so hard and clutching my stomach. But, I was still not laughing as much as Alex and his friends, who were beginning to walk away but still managed to point and frown. I hurried over to Clara before pulling her out of the leaves, and the ending of her dignity. She scowled at me, before clambering up and brushing down her black school blazer before hurrying off. With me trying to catch up with her.

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