Chapter One: Things Just Got Weirder

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Chapter One: Things Just Got Weirder

I froze and I think my eyes were probably as wide as saucers as I try to process and sink in what he just said to my mother. This boy standing in front of me is a prince and not only just a prince; he is the heir to a multi-billion Italian empire! How do I know this? Our history teacher gave us a lesson on this boy’s family! The boy right in front of me! And based on what I learned, people actually don’t know how he looks like. Well that’s kind of understandable because it’s for his own safety and all that jazz.

Okay back to reality Anna! I turn to look at my mom, I expect her to have a face of confusion but instead I see recognition in her eyes. Wait, hold up! That means this boy isn’t crazy. That also means that my mom or maybe both my parents know about this!

I seriously need to be more attentive of what’s happening lately.

“Oh dear, you’re soaked. Wait here while I call Alex and I will make you some good old fashion Italian tea. Anna, honey, can you go fetch those spare clothes I laid out in the guest room” my mom asked sweetly giving me one of her sugar coated smiles. I nodded my head and went to the guest room which was across from mine.

I open the door, surprised to see the room clean. This room is never clean unless we have visitors of course. The strong smell of lavender hits my nostrils; my mom only uses this scent when my nana comes here for a visit. This scent wasn’t used after she died a few years back. I guess my mom wanted to impress the prince.

And there on the bed was a new set of clothes. How would I know? Because these aren’t my dad’s style and size, these clothes were more modern. There laid out on the bed was a blue flannel shirt, a pair of dark denim jeans and a pair of red vans. I carried them and slowly closed the door as I make my way back to the living room.

I see the bo- I mean Niccoli on the same wooden chair I gave him, shirtless. Wait, SHIRTLESS!?

Why the hell is he shirtless? He was there sitting on the wooden chair, shirtless and slowly drying his hair with the towel. I will not give into temptation! I will not take a sneak peek at his body!

Fine! I am weak, I admit it! I remembered the defined muscles I saw when his shirt was sticking to his body like a second skin. I slowly drift my eyes to his body. A sneak peak wouldn’t hurt right?

Once my eyes landed on his body…

Hot damn!

He had a six pack! Dear God my eyes, my innocent eyes. He also had small tattoo of a bird on his hip. Damn, he had a body of a Greek God.

Due to my never ending oogling, I didn’t even notice Niccoli slowly approaching me. His electric blue eyes capturing me in the process, I felt vulnerable and immobile by his electrifying gaze. I felt like a deer being stalked by their prey. I didn’t even dare to move, now his face our inches from my own and I can feel his breath on my face. I was about to say something but the words were caught up in my throat. His face got closer and closer…

“Thanks for the clothes, cara” he whispered with that sexy Italian accent of his. He got the clothes from my hands and gave me a heart stopping smile. And stalked back to the chair and he turned back to me.

“Where is the bathroom? I need to change before I catch a cold” he asked. I still felt a little speechless but I was able to bring words out of my mouth.

“Uhmm… it’s the second door on the right” I pointed the direction down the hall near the kitchen. He muttered a ‘thanks’ and went to the bathroom to get changed. Once I hear the door close and the locked. I threw myself on the couch and blew out a huge breath. I closed my eyes and got more comfortable on the couch as I reflect on the events that happened a few minutes ago.

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