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So this chapter may be a lil steamy sorry if its terrible. 

I stood and looked into Daryl's eyes, my face about as red as an apple. "we can't tell 'em ya know? don't want them thinkin' im goin' soft" he muttered leaning down and brushing his lips against my own causing me to giggle and kiss his nose. "alright Daryl i won't tell a soul" he grinned down at me and went to kiss me again until a rattle of the cell door snaps us out of our little heaven. "Daryl (Y/n) we're having a quick meeting" we heard Rick's voice say. "Comin'!" Daryl responded as Rick left. I picked up my hoodie throwing it on before turning to face Daryl "hey Dixon?" he turned to face me and i grinned at him "you're a great kisser" i winked at him walking out the room. I heard him chuckle as he followed me to the others.

We sat down and listened to Rick "(Y/n) Daryl i need you to go on the run today instead of tomorrow." we nodded and Carl jumped up "i'll come too! " before Rick can cut in and tell him no i jump in "not this time bud, you gotta be here for ya mom ok?" he sighed sadly and looked down. "yea kid ya gotta be e're for her and 'er baby" Carl nodded and Rick dismissed the meeting. Daryl headed outside as i went to our cell to get our stuff. Once i was outside we jumped in the truck and headed to the small town circled on the map.

(time skip)

Me and Daryl stood outside the store and walked towards the door. i kicked it twice as we waited for any walkers to appear, after a while two emerged and Daryl shot one as i drove my knife into the others skull. We walked inside and cleared it of any walkers. Once we cleared it of the dead we barricaded the door and started grabbing everything we needed. By the time we had finished it was already starting to get dark. "we should stay e're for the night" Daryl said looking around at all the bags we had filled. "yeah it would be wise for us to" i smiled at him as he walked off.

While putting things for myself in my new bag i pick up an unopened box of condoms. "condoms huh?" i heard a chuckle behind me causing me to jump out of my skin causing him to laugh more. "what'cha need those for?" he asked putting his hands on my hips.  I stuttered trying to get my words out "what are ya a virgin?" he teased chuckling at my face. "y-yes i am and i know the chances of ever doing it are now lower then ever considering the world went to shit." i mumbled looking away, out of the corner of my eye i saw him smirk. "I cleared out a back room for us to stay in for the night" he mumbled brushing his lips against mine. "D-Daryl?" i breathed out as he pulled away. he picked me up, grabbing my stuff and carried me to the back room.

Once we got inside i saw a make shift bed and the pile of all our stuff. I let out a surprised gasp as i felt a pair of chapped lips kiss my ear. "D-Daryl?" i squeaked out feeling him smirk. "wanna change those odds of yours?" he whispered huskily into my ear. I froze slightly feeling his hands go under my shirt and rest on my stomach. "o-ok" i gulped as i felt him start to kiss my neck. He lifted my shirt slowly taking it off and throwing it somewhere in the room. He started to kiss down my neck making me let out a soft whimper. I turned and faced him placing my hand on his cheek as i leaned towards him placing a soft but firm kiss on his lips. His hands went to my waist as he pulled me closer to him, i trailed my hands down his chest pushing off his waist coat letting it fall to the floor. I started unbuttoning his shirt getting it off faster then i thought i would and i threw it across the room. He smirked as he kissed me, the kiss being a lot rougher then the other times we've kissed, his hands went to my bra as he undid it the article of clothing soon joining my shirt somewhere in the room. "(Y/n) you're so beautiful" he whispered into my ear as he held me to his chest slowly guiding me to the bed. I giggled softly as i layed down on the bed with him joining me so he was hovering over me resting on his elbows so he didn't crush me. "You're not so bad yourself Dixon" i whispered in his ear softly biting on his earlobe earning a soft groan to escape past his lips.

He pushed my legs apart and rested between them slowly grinding causing small moans to leave both of our mouths, One of his calloused hands trailed up my body to my breast and he gave it an experimental squeeze. A loud moan left my mouth as he rolled my nipple through his fingers. I lifted my hips slightly begging for more friction causing a dark chuckle to escape him. "that eager huh? you really wanna do it don't cha?" he teased me as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of my jeans pulling them down painfully slow "d-don't tease please" i begged softly looking up at him. He smirked in response before tearing my panties off and taking off his trousers (i am British i say trousers instead of pants) i noticed the large tent in his boxers and smirked "looks like i ain't the only one Dixon" he growled softly and pulled them down allowing his already rock hard cock to spring out and hit his stomach. He opened the box of condoms and took one out, taking it out of its wrapper and made eye contact with me the entire time he put it on. "(Y/n) this'll hurt for a bit as its your first time ok?" he asked in a soothing voice. I just nodded and felt him push his tip in causing me to let out a small noise from the new feeling. He slowly pushed the rest of himself into me making me let out a small cry from the pain. Daryl leaned down and kissed away my tears while whispering sweet nothings into my ear to distract me from the pain.

After a while the pain faded and was replaced with pure bliss as i rolled my hips slightly, a moan leaving my lips to tell Daryl that it was ok to move.  He started off slow, groaning softly as he moved in and out of me. "damn (Y/n) i didn't think you'd be this tight" he mumbled as he buried his face into my neck as i wrapped my legs around his waist.  I scratched down his back lightly as to not hurt him. "Daryl faster" i whimpered out earning a growl off him as he sped up "like this?" he mumbled letting out a small moan. "Y-yeah" i moaned out as his lips met mine. His tongue swept across my lip and as i moaned he took that as his chance and he shoved his tounge into my mouth. Invading and exploring every inch. "D-Daryl it feels funny!" i moaned out as i felt a hot knot start to form in my stomach. "That means ya gonna cum baby girl about to cum on my cock" He groaned into my ear as i felt the knot unravel. "Daryl!" i moaned out loudly as i felt myself release. "Come on baby help me get there too." he let out a moan as his thrusts became fast and sloppy. "Daryl it feels so good" i whimpered as he groaned loudly thrusting a final time as he threw his head back "Fuck yeah~" he moaned out. 

(time skip)

I don't remember falling asleep but when i woke up i was in the truck. Fully dressed and i realized we were heading back to the prison. "Daryl?" i mumbled sleepily from the passenger seat. "mornin' beautiful we had to go but you looked so peaceful asleep so i didn't wake ya" he said a small smile present on his face. "ah ok" i smile and move my legs wincing at a slight pain. "yeah ya gonna be sore after last night" he chuckled as we saw the prison. But as we got inside and ran to the others the place was straight out of a horror film.

Walker bodies everywhere just as i was about to ask Rick what happened when a baby's cry broke through the thick silence. I turned and saw Maggie and Carl walking towards us with a small baby. "L-lori?" Rick stuttered out causing Maggie to shake her head. Lori was dead. She became like a sister to me she can't be dead. Rick started to walk towards the entrance when Maggie stopped him causing him to look at Carl. I did the same and noticed his face and the tears i held back started to flow down my face. Carl had to shoot her so she didn't turn. I then notice Carol and T-dog were nowhere to be seen. Yeah i wasn't close to T-dog but it still hurt to loose him, I let out a small cry as i thought of Carol. She had become like a mother to me and i had lost her too. I saw Rick fall to the ground as he cried Carl just standing there. Maggie walked to Glenn as she cried, she looked at the baby and started crying harder so i walked over to her. "I-i-i-i'll take..." i looked at the baby "Lori had a girl" Maggie said quietly as i nodded "I'll take her" i offered and Maggie passed the baby over. I looked down at the baby as she started to cry. I tried my best to calm her, walking back to Daryl as i broke down in more tears. Daryl wrapped his arms around me as i held Lori's baby to my chest.  We shrugged off the stares mainly off Beth and Glenn as Daryl had never really hugged anyone. He just held me as we all stood there mourning over the ones we had just lost.

Thank you guys for reading! ill update when i have more ideas and its currently 11:47pm so imma sleep!

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