Chapter 22

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Soraya's PoV

The dagger Lillia's holding is delicate and small with the handle encrusted with blood red rubies, that perfectly match her dress and currently her eyes. Worried for the man's life I quickly step in between the two of them so the dagger is pointed at me. Lillia lowers it slightly at the sight of me, before taking a breath and putting it back in her belt. Her eyes still red I beckon for her to go outside with me and she does but not before a glare at the poor man. Once outside I whisper shout "What on earth? A dagger? Where did you even get that? And why are you threatening that poor defenceless man with it?"
She whisper shouts back "That man isn't poor or defenceless. He's raped countless maids and butlers, he hits them all and he works them too hard. I'd hardly call that poor. Or defenceless. Or undeserving. And I got my dagger from my mother. If you must know."
Sighing I realise she wasn't without reason so I say gently "Ok. I understand now why you're angry with him, I am too. However I still don't think threatening him with a dagger will help."
She shakes her head before saying calmer that before "Fine. Maybe he can just lose his job and be banned from the like kingdom then."
I nod my head in approval as she goes to the door and calls him out.
As we escort him upstairs to see Lola and Leon I notice Lillia's eyes are still blood red, and make a note to ask why they were red in the first place.

Lillia's PoV

I can feel Soraya's eyes on me, probably wondering why my own eyes are blood red. But right now I don't want to tell her so I ignore her, focusing on the man in front of me and telling Lola and Leon what he's done.
We emerge from the kitchens and see Genevieve, Penelope and Alex stood in front of Lola and Leon. Needing a hug I run to Alex and straight into his arms. He frowns upon seeing my eyes and I quickly turn to Leon so he doesn't think too much of it.
"Lillia. Why have you brought the slave master up to us?" Leon asks.
Taking a breath I say as calmly as possible "He works them all too hard. He hits them if they don't do something right and he rapes them. I saw it with my own eyes. And I have victims who are willing to testify."
Lola's eyes widen at my declaration before she says "Well what do you think his punishment should be?"
"I believe this man for his crimes should be banned from the castle, banned from the kingdom and should leave immediately."
Lola looks perplexed before saying "Not death?"
"I don't believe in violence unless necessary. And I think this man won't do any of those things ever again so he should have his life to amend those mistakes."
Alex smiles at me, as Leon says "Very well. Guards escort this man out of the kingdom."
The guards take him away and I breathe deeply glad he's out of my sight. Then I remember Annabelle and am immediately heading back towards the stairs when I see Annabelle herself running up them. She runs into my arms, shaking and sobbing, whispering "Thank you." Over and over again.
I turn us around to face Alex and say apologetically "Sorry, I realise I interrupted something."
Alex replies with a smile on his face "No no. We were just discussing whether me and Gen should stay for a while."
"I believe that would be alright." Leon says.

Genevieve's PoV

I watch as a maid comes running into Lillia's arms. Like they were family. Me and Dad are staying a while to get time without mother, some father daughter time. Plus I think Dad is sick of her. I know I am. This whole time she's been saying how we need to get ready for the wedding, we need to decide what cake we want, what type of dress. But I don't want to. Not yet, I mean it's been not barely week since I agreed to the engagement for me to get over Lillia.
So me and dad decided to stay. Mother will go back to Loutocia to rule and deal with stuff while we get a vacation of sorts from her.
Zachary's been being nicer recently. He gave me flowers the other day, and he bought my favourite chocolates. He's less pushy, he gives me options now. So I guess he isn't all bad. His touch is less clammy and more soft and gentle now. I'm not sure what's changed, him or me. Maybe I've changed because I've got used to him, so I don't fight him at every touch anymore. Or maybe he's decided to take it slow with me, earn my trust. Who knows. All I know is that maybe we've both changed. Or just one of us. But something has.
We see mother off and then, arms linked, we head to the gardens to do something we haven't done in a very very long time, play a game of checkers.

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