Hard Knocks & Inside Job

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A/N: Another combined chapter. This time it was a deliberate choice. The way the first of these chapters left off seemed like a terrible place to leave it at.

Smoke and Jackie were leaning against my side in the main room again.

I'm going to be a great warrior someday. Like Optimus. Smoke told us.

You already are. You just have to grow into it. I replied.

Yeah, right.

Kid, listen to him. Compared to him, we're Sparklings. Jackie cut in.

You would only have become my Partners if you had certain qualities. Some of those qualities are what makes a warrior great. I informed them. So yes, you are a great warrior in the making.

Thank you Frostwing. Smoke wrapped his arms around my neck.

I heard chuckles around the room. I knew I looked ridiculous and I didn't care.

Smoke released me and got up as Optimus spoke up. "The next set of Iacon Coordinates have been decoded. Ratchet, ready the Groundbridge. Arcee, Bumblebee, you will retrieve the relic."

"Wait, what about us?" Smoke asked.

"We are back-up. Like we usually are unless something comes up. Don't worry, you will get your chance." I told him, pushing him back into a sitting position.

An hour passed before Arcee and Bee came back to base.

"Knockout had the Resonance Blaster." She told us. "He was there waiting for us, seems the Cons are improving their decoding skills."

"I would have been useless then anyways. That thing can seriously damage me if used for long enough."

"And it seems that with two Keys already separated, no one currently possesses the means to revive Cybertron." Ratchet said.

"While our quest to restore our planet may have reached a stalemate, securing the remaining Keys is still the most prudent course of action." Optimus replied.

I listened idly to Arcee and Smoke's argument.

"Hush, Smoke. It is one thing to be prideful, it is another to be arrogant." I reprimanded. "You did well in recovering the first. You do not need to keep bringing it up."

"Sorry." Smoke apologized. "I'll try to not be arrogant."

"You have not been warrior class for very long compared to the others. I know you want to prove yourself and there will be more chances to do so. But you must be in this for the long haul. The war will not be over just because you showed up. Slow down and focus." I told him.

"I will try, Frostwing."

I adjusted my helm on my paws to look at him.

"That is all I ask, Partner-mine."

Silence fell for a few minutes.

"The next set of coordinates are ready." Optimus turned to us.

"There remains one set left to decode." Ratchet said as he activated the Bridge.

"Let us go." I stood and let my Partners get on before heading out.

"I'm coming with you." Bulk announced, taking the scanner from Arcee and following us out.

My partners immediately slipped off my back.

"Stay close, I have a bad feeling about this." I warned.

I caught a glimpse of Dreadwing before there was an explosion and I was knocked out.

When I came to, Smoke was nowhere close by. In fact, he was quite a ways away.

Oh Thank Primus you're awake. The Cons captured me. Smoke tells me.

Ugh, what happened? Jackie wakes up then. Smoke repeats his words.

See if you can make your way to the flight deck when you can. You'll need to jump. I unfurl both sets of wings, let Jackie on my back and fly off towards my captured Partner.

What? I have a ground Alt-mode. I'll die.

I will catch you. Don't jump off until I tell you.

"Frostwing, Smokescreen is the final Iacon relic. You three need to return to base." Ratchet calls over the comm link.

"No can do, Doc. The rookie got captured when we got knocked out. Frostwing's on a warpath."

"You two are not thinking of storming the Decepticon ship are you?" Ratchet asked.

"I'm going to do more than storm it. I'm going to knock it out of the sky!" I snarled.

"Just the two of you?"

"Three. We've taken Decepticon Strongholds on our own before. And I survived the War of Extinction. This will be a walk in the park."

I cut off my comm link and Jackie followed my lead.

"They messed with the wrong trio, Partner-mine."

"Let's make them regret this day, Partner-mine."

We arrived below the Warship after a few minutes.

I'm on the flight deck with three omega keys. Where are you? Smoke reported.

Below you. Jump.

He did and I maneuvered underneath him easily. He landed on my back and almost upset my balance. He scrambled into place and I flew up, startling Megatron and a few Vehicons.

"You picked the wrong Cybertronian to capture." I growled before firing off a few frost bolts.

I flew around the Warship, testing for weaknesses in the hull and finding none before aiming for the Ship's engines.

After a few shots, I forced it out of the sky.

"That should slow them down." I stated, turning and flying off.

"I thought we wanted to knock them out of the sky?" Jackie commented.

"We did. We also retrieved all the Omega Keys they had."

I turned my Comlink back on and the others followed my lead.

"We have the Omega Keys and Smoke. Open a bridge." Jackie was the one to contact base.

A bridge appeared in front of me and I landed in the base.

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