Part 4 ~ you cant always get what you want

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Emmas pov:
I walk into my first class with all my stuff and I ask the teacher where to sit and the only seat was next to Ethan. Graysons brother. He must be a jerk like the other one. So I sit next to Ethan doing my best to ignore him but I feel a hand on my thigh and I smack the hand off.
Emma; don't fucking touch me.
I whisper yell
Ethan; cmon princess you know you like it.
Emma; I really don't
Ethan refuses to stop so I ask to go to the bathroom and I do. I fast walk my way to the bathroom and once I walk in and bump into someone.
Andrea; watch where your going.
Emma: oh u-
Andrea; shut the fuck up
She walks out
Emma; what a bitch.
I whisper
I stay in the bathroom for a about 5 minutes and I walk back into the classroom regretting walking back to my seat. I sit down and do my work while Ethan keeps trying to flirt with me.
Ethan: stop playing hard to get babygirl
Emma: can you stop being the biggest fuckboy in this entire school?
Ethan stays silent then the bell rings and I get up and walk out with my stuff.
~ Time Skip to dismissal ~
I get my stuff from my locker and start to walk out but then I bump into a guy he was actually pretty cute not gonna lie. I hope he doesn't get mad.
Kj: Hey. You ok?
Emma: yeah. Thanks for being one of the decent guys
I laugh and he laughs as well
Grayson and Ethan walk over
Grayson: Kj cmon lets go
Kj; Bye Emma
I wave as they walk away and I get on my bus and sit with Ellie.
Emma: Hey Ellie
I smile at her
Ellie; Hey Em
She smiles back
We talk till we're at my stop so I say bye and get off while the twins get off with me because we live close. Very close. I'm walking to my house minding my own business and then- I'm on the ground. Of course I am. Those damn twins.
Grayson and Ethan just laugh and walk to their house. I get up and try to clean the dirt off my clothes as I walk into my house. I hear my parents fighting and I'm not surprised. They do it all the time. I just walk up to my room and lay in my bed and think about stuff. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Authors Note: Ahhhh I'm so excited to get more into this hehehhehe

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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