Eastside- pizza

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Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight,
We can go any where we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me, yeah

Jacks POV

On my way to school I couldn't stop thinking about Zach and what happened over the weekend.

Maybe eventually I can try and win him back.

Maybe eventually he'll completely forgive me and we can go back to normal.

honestly i just want him back.

i want to be able to kiss him and hug him and love him. i want us to be able to go out on dates and be able to show off each other.

but none of this will happen.

i pulled into the school and saw my friends.

"avery!!" jonah shouted and walked over to them

"yeah jo" i said

"so i know you guys aren't on to good of terms but after school do you guys wanna go out to eat or something" he asked

"uhm sure." i said and he smiled

"okay. well can you drive with zach while i take corbyn and daniel" he asked me and laughed

i know what he's trying to do

"yeah sure. zach is that okay?" i asked him

"i guess so" he said and i smiled

we walked into the school and separated to our classes.

turns out me and zach have the same first class so i walked with him.

"you excited for later" i asked

"i guess. but where are we going to go?" he asked me

"wherever jonah wants to i guess" i said

"you know where i've been waiting to go for awhile" he asked me and we walked into the class room and for the first time all year sat by eachother

"uh where" i asked him

"the diner" he said and smiled at me

"really? you have you not gone since then" i asked

"no. that was our spot and it somehow felt wrong if i were to go without you. have you?" he said and i shook my head

"nope." i said

"maybe we should go soon" he said and i smiled and nodded

the teacher walked in and we stopped talking,
but i know i was blushing and looked like an idiot.


lunch time rolled around and i was happy and walking around with a stupid smile on my face.

today was a good day and nothing could ruin it.

"so jack" corbyn said and i sat down with my tray next to zach

we had started to set with eachother in guessing.

"yeah corbyn" i said while i was eating my fries

"why are you so happy" he asked and jonah chuckled

"because i am. i've been like this since my first class" i said and zach looked over and smiled at me

"zach you seem rather happy as well, care to explain" jonah said and glanced at corbyn

"well i've also been like this since first class i guess" zach said and i looked over at him and smiled as well

"somethings up and i wanna know what it is" daniel said

"do you not want us to be happy" i asked him

"did i ever say that? no. so avery shut the fuck up" daniel said and zach gasped

"daniel, whats wrong with you?? can i not be happy without your permission? i'm pretty sure i'm a big boy and can make my own decisions." zach said and got up and was walking out the cafeteria

"uh i'll be back" i said and hurriedly got up and ran after him

we ended up going into the gym behind the bleachers.

"zach.." i said setting by him

he glanced over at me with tears in his eyes.

"what?" he asked me

"hey...don't cry...daniel is a dumbass that don't care for anyone but himself" i said

"j-jack you don't understand h-he's my bestfriend he's supposed to care" he said the tears now rolling down his cheeks

i reached over and pulled him into me hugged him, we sat like that for a few minutes until he stopped crying.

"thank you" he said and i smiled

"for" i asked

"being there even though you don't have to" he said and i chucked

"of course i'm going to be there zach. i don't want you to be alone and not thinking i won't be there. you can call me whenever you need to or if you just want company and you know that" i said and he smiled again

"okay" he said

"okay. class?" i asked

he looked at his phone and laughed.

"no we are already late"he said and i laughed as well

we ended up skipping our last two classes and went outside to wait on the boys.

"ready to go" jonah asked

"guess so. meet you there" i said and me and zach got in my car.

"can i play some music" he asked me

"did you really ask that" i said with a laugh as we pulled out of the school parking lot

"well yeah..." he said

"zach you know you can play your music"i said and he smiled and did so

Stitches by shawn mendes started to play and j smiled at him knowing this was one of his favorite songs.

he always really liked shawn mendes songs. he was really good at matching his voice.

i love hearing him sing. it brings me happiness.

by the time we pulled into the parking lot of pizza hut zach was singing his heart out.

jonah and the boys were inside getting ready to order when me and zach were walking in.

daniel didn't look to happy which wasn't surprising he hasn't been since me and zach started talking.

"jack!!" someone said and i looked around to see...

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