Chapter 3

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The two left the bar hand in hand. Once they made it out into the night air, they dropped their hands, knowing the exclusivity of the club was behind them. Jinyoung knew he wasn't sober enough to drive, so he told the valet he'd pick up his car later. Wonpil hailed a cab and the two got in.

Wonpil closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the seat immediately after sitting down. Jinyoung admired Wonpil through half-lidded, sleepy eyes, watching as the street lights grazed over his beautiful features. Eventually, the auburn-haired man's eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted with Jinyoung eyes glittering in the dim light, looking directly into his.

Keeping his head on the headrest, Wonpil turned his body to face Jinyoung, bringing his knee to the middle spot. As if almost by instinct, as soon as the younger saw Wonpil's knee, he planted his hand on it.

"You told the driver my address, right?" Wonpil drowsily mumbled, eyes closing slowly.

"Oh, no I told him mine," Jinyoung said, a bit more awake. "Sorry, force of habit. Did you want to come over though?" He started to trace shapes mindlessly on the older's knee.

Wonpil nearly gave a lazy 'mhmm', until he realized the situation. This wasn't just the two of them hanging out as friends, 'coming over' meant something a bit different in this context. Suddenly he felt more alert, raising his head. "I-Well, I -I mean..." He stammered.

Jinyoung gave a little chuckle. "Oh right... You don't have to be worried. We can just watch a movie or something." Wonpil still sat looking at him, thinking. "Or I'll just tell the driver your address." Jinyoung began to lean forward.

Wonpil grabbed the younger's arm. "No, it's fine. This date has been too short anyways."

Jinyoung smiled as he settled back against the seat. The two were facing each other, both their knees up on the middle seat now, touching each other, heads resting on the back of the seat.

Wonpil's eyes fluttered shut again, and Jinyoung raised his hand, brushing a couple of strands of hair that fell over the older's face away. His fingers then made their way up to the rest of his hair and began running through it. Wonpil's eyes flitted open again, deciding to scan the facial features of the beautiful man in front of him. They kept straying to his plump lips, that were a shade of pink that could even be seen in the dark car.

The car came to a calm halt down the street from the Got7 dorm. Jinyoung makes sure never to tell taxi drivers the exact address. The two got out after Jinyoung paid the driver. As they watched the cab drive away, they turned around and made their way for the dorm.

No one was around, so Jinyoung lazily grabbed Wonpil's hand, smiling to himself. Wonpil seemed to not even notice, as he just trudged along, eyes closing every so often. Eventually, Jinyoung was practically pulling him down the sidewalk.

"Come on, we're almost there." The younger chuckled.

Wonpil simply whined, and then came to a halt, pulling Jinyoung and causing him to turn to face him. Wonpil opened his eyes to look at Jinyoung looking at him, then dropped his hand and buried his face in his own. The older gave a muffled groan, then shuffled forward so his body was against Jinyoung's. Wonpil's face, still in his hands, was nuzzled in Jinyoung's chest.

Jinyoung gave a bit of a surprised look but then softened to a smile as he wrapped his arms around Wonpil, pressing his lips to the top of his head.

"Won't Yugyeom be at the dorm by now?" Wonpil whined, barely audible.

"Maybe..." Jinyoung replied, the smile leaving his lips as they were still pressed against his date's head.

Wonpil stomped his foot and whined again. "This is going to be so difficult if we keep it a secret... but we have to, don't we?"

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