Two; Aftershocks

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Chapter Two-Aftershocks

I gaped at him, unable to hide the horror that I’m sure showed on my face.

A barrage of questions was soon directed at us. I couldn’t even make out a single voice, it just sounded like a loud roar in my ears.

Ethan led me away, and my legs just moved automatically. I felt numb.

“Yes, I’m married,” he said loudly and confidently, “This is my wife.”

What the heck was that all about?! I could barely stand this guy. Why me?!

Somehow I ended up in a car with Ethan Park, when his driver finally decided to show up. I glared at Ethan as I sat next to him in the back seat of the luxury car.

I wanted to shout at him and strangle him, and I imagined killing him in so many ways in my mind, but I was aware of the driver so I didn’t want to speak too openly or have a witness to a murder scene.

He dropped us back at his hotel (of course), Park Luxury Hotels, where we got out in front of the hotel lobby.

“Come upstairs, we can talk there,” he said, reaching for my arm, but I stepped out of his grasp.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I said through gritted teeth, “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to go along with this. I will sue you for everything you’re worth.”

Ethan’s expression flitted from concern to amusement, “Come on, surely it’s not that bad; being married to a billionaire. I’m sorry. I know it was out of the blue, it was a spur of the moment thing. But surely we can talk about this.”

“I’m not talking to you about anything. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer,” I replied to him and turned on my heels.

“Wait,” I heard him call out from behind me, and I reluctantly turned around.

Ethan was there, holding out a card, “At least take my number if you decide to change your mind.”

I took the card without another word and hailed a taxi.

I was fuming on the ride home. The nerve of this guy! Just because he was some multibillionaire he thinks he can do anything he wants.

Then I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. Ugh, my picture will be all over the news! Pictures of me kissing that guy and him saying we were married.

What will my Dad say when he sees it!

I groaned, leaning forward in the seat and holding my head in my hands. My life was over.

*   *   *

“What the hell is this?” Rei Na barged into Ethan’s office, flinging her phone down onto his table.

Surely, she couldn’t have found out already? He thought idly.

He picked up the phone, and sure enough saw what he thought was a lovely photo of him kissing a beautiful young lady on an article of a gossip website.

Despite himself he smiled at the photo, but corrected his expression before he looked up at his Aunt, “I guess I got a little carried away.”

“A little-?” Rei Na started, looking as if she was about to burst a blood vessel, “A little carried away?! Just what do you plan on telling everyone? How can this possibly help you?”

And then she said something very fast in Korean that he couldn’t catch. Only when she was very angry did she rant at him in Korean. Though he was only half Korean, his Aunt made sure he learned the language fluently from childhood.

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