Loki- Avengers

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(Y/N): your name; (F/N): father's name

Arranged Marriage
You stared at your father in disbelief. He had just told you that you were to marry King Odin's youngest son, Loki, god of mischief, due to some treaty between your kingdom and Asgard.
"F-Father, I don't understand. Why must it be me? I'm still young, I-I don't know much about anything. Why not it be Arline..." you trailed off as your father gave you a stern look.
"Listen here, child. Your sister is to be Queen in only a few days. Besides, a monster like Loki should only be fit for a bastard child like you."
Yeah, you were your father's bastard child with a maid who is now long gone. But he had never used your bastardy against you. It was never mentioned, you were still treated like a princess.
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you left the throne room, leaving a guilty looking father behind. You didn't know this Loki, but you knew of his brother, Thor. If Loki was anything like his egotistical elder brother, you were sure you'd hate him. That night, you cried yourself to sleep, dreading the next few days.
Engagement Day (two weeks later)
Today was the first time you would meet Loki, your future husband. You were given pictures and had met his mother a few days prior to plan your engagement, but you had never met the man himself. He was handsome, yes, but you were scared about his personality. What if he doesn't treat me right? What if he turns into a monster? What if his heart belongs to another?
Before you could think of more what ifs, Frigga, Loki's mother, came into your bedroom. "You look beautiful, my child." She grabs your shoulders from behind as you stared at yourself in the mirror, and pressed her cheek against yours. "I've always wanted a daughter, you know. Thank the gods I now have one." She kisses your cheek. "Come, daughter. Everyone's waiting."
You walked with her with your arms interlocked. A private exchange of rings was being held, with just your immediate families present and then there'd be a huge feast celebrating the two of you. You entered the hall where the exchange would be held. A man with slick black hair who's back was turned towards you stood with your father. Right away from the pictures you knew it was him. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. It's time.
"Loki," Frigga called her son, causing him to turn towards the two of you. "come get your future wife. She can't stand beside me forever." The man called Loki walked towards you and you once again held your breath. He was even more breathtaking in real life. He reached you and bowed respectfully, and you did the same. He held out his hand for yours and said, "My Lady." You put his hand in his hands, but didn't say a word. You didn't know what to say. It was as if time froze and all you could was Loki's face. He smirked, which brought you out of your trance, and he dragged you to the middle of the room. The family gathered around all excited, as if it was the real wedding.
Loki rolled his eyes at their excitement and kneeled down on one knee. He then took your hand in his hand and said, "(y/n), daughter of (f/n), will you do me the honor of being my beloved wife," as if this wasn't arranged. You couldn't help, but laugh slightly which made him smile a little. You nodded and whispered, "yes." And everyone cheered as if you had a choice of saying no.
Later that night, Loki didn't pay the slightest bit of attention towards you. In fact, it seemed as if he was avoiding you for the whole night. He even refused when our parents suggested we go outside in the courtyard and get to know each other. This scared you even more of your future with him.
Wedding Day (1 month later)
You hadn't seen Loki after the engagement. Only Thor and Frigga came. You became close with the both of them. Frigga seemed to become the mother you had never had, and Thor became that big brother/best friend figure. You spoke to him about everything, even your concerns about Loki, but he reassured you that he'd take care of you.
Today was the day. The day you'd be taken from your home, your family and become someone else's responsibility. You were nervous to say the least. You didn't know what to do. Thor kept reassuring you that you had nothing to worry about, but you still did.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, and at your dress. You hoped Loki would like it.
A knock at the door came, pushing you out of your thoughts. Your father entered with tears in his eyes. He rushed over and took you into his arms. "My daughter, I'm sorry for forcing this upon you. I'm sorry for saying such horrid words to you that day. It was wrong of me, so very wrong. Please, forgive me." You hugged and comforted him and kept repeating that you forgave him as he cried.
He finally composed himself and took your arms intertwining it with his. He kisses your hand and smiled. "You know, you look exactly like your mother." You smiled back, tears threatening to fall. "Thank you, Father." And with that you both left and he escorted you down the aisle.
You walked down, and saw Loki on the other end, looking as amazing as ever. He wore a dark suit that suited his lean body perfectly with a green and gold flower in his pocket. Your father and you had finally reached him. Your father kissed your forehead, gave Loki a stern look and sat down.
Loki and you stared at each other as the minister spoke. You couldn't hear them though, you were too lost in Loki's eyes. You snapped out of it when they asked for your "I do's".
Loki leaned down to whisper something in your ear. If one wasn't right next to them, they'd think he was kissing your cheek. Instead, he leaned down and whispered, "Don't even think for a second, that I will ever love you." And with that came the applause and the ending of the wedding ceremony. You stared at him, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to stay. Those words just kept repeating in your head.

(Y/N)'s wedding dress

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(Y/N)'s wedding dress

Loki's suit (just imagine there's a flower)

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Loki's suit (just imagine there's a flower)

(A/N): Hey guys!! I'm really sorry for the long story. Let me know if you'd like a continuation of this!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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