"I what." Ingrid said looking at me like I was crazy." What experiment are you ." I was going crazy it was like I couldn't stop talking. " I don't know, I have been in here for three months." She sounded a bit scared when she said this ,but before I figured out why I began talking again " Why do you sound so scared when you talk are you okay I'm a bit cold are you wow its getting colder and colder by the second , I need a blanket do you." I shut myself up, and figured out why it was so cold Ingrid was crying.
Every time a tear fell it hit the ground and snowflakes came up. I felt terrible knowing it was my fault all of this was happening. The floor began to get icy and slippery when Ingrid began laughing it went on and on til she fell to her knees and began to sleep. I look behind my shoulders to see if everyone else was okay. They were gone. The door began to open, I panicked, I fake fell asleep I felt my hands drop then I got pick up and a needle went in my arm then I fell on something soft and uncomfortable then I passed out.