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Norman has discussed with Don about their training.Don also part of school athlete and he shocked that Emma's leg broken.He countless times ask Norman if he REALLY want to replace her.Norman is kinda weak in sport and the one he gonna join is 400m run competition.

It's a deal that he has made with Emma.He also don't want Emma to be sad because she couldn't join.At least he can help her and their friendship will get better than before.He glad that Emma start to trust him but he eagerly want to know why did she involved with accident.

On his way to head his room,he saw Ray and call him."Can I have a moment?"He ask and Ray just reply with a nod.

"Ray,,,do you know why did Emma involve accident?"

With that question alone,Ray slowly smile.
"Try to guess"the raven haired guy crossed his arm and smirk.Norman didn't want to ask further more.He's annoyed by looking at Ray's face.Norman decide to ask another question.

"I kinda curious..."Norman put his hand at his chin and Ray look at him with question face "Do you have a crush Ray? Oh! Do you like Emma?" Ray chocked because he ask such a question and blush a bit.

"Whoa whoa that's a lot of question calm down"

He look at Norman's serious face "I used to have a crush but now I don't and I love Emma as a friend.Did I answer all your question?"

"Yes thank you...and i don't know that you have fallen for someone before,,,who is it?"

"It's not important ugh why do you care?"Ray pout an look away.He can't tell him the person he used to love.


Fine,,thank you mr grumpy"Norman chuckled and messed with Ray's hair.

"s t o p"Ray smacked his hand and lectures Norman that it takes him about 20 minutes to do a perfect hair.

"But hey,,,you really wanna know why did she involved with an accident?"Ray suddenly ask with a serious tone.

"Of course–"

"I can give you a hint"

Norman shocked.He has made a deal with Emma but Ray want to help him?

"Well,,I feel kinda guilty for not telling you tho"Ray scratch his head.He must tell him.Norman must know.

"you can tell me later.I'll be at the field after school with Don,Gillian and Violet"Norman later leave Ray and they both head for their destination.

I'm sorry Emma,,,I have to tell him a bit


–—After school,at field

"Yo" Ray wave his hand to Norman and other athletes member."You're late"Norman wipe his sweat and try to catch his breath.They have been practice for almost 3 hour and they decide to take a break.

"I have some stuff to settle at the library"Norman can guess that Ray just come out from library because he's carrying few novels that he borrow."It's ok.Let's take a seat" They head to the nearest bench.

Ray treat Norman with his favourite drink "Here some cold tea" He threw at Norman a bottle of cold tea and he manage to catch it.
"Thanks" He fastly swallow it down and now the bottle have only 1/3 left.He's really thirsty and looks tired.Other member looks tired as well."How is it going?"Ray look at him who is still sweating.Norman looks like he gonna faint.

"It was hell.I must run like 10 laps for warm up you know"He let out big sigh.Ray pat his back "this is a deal"He chuckle.Norman know that Ray want to support him but it seems like Ray is enjoying this situation.

I should exercise more


"Hey,we both gonna head home now.It's getting late.You guys should go home too"Violet packed up her stuff and leave Gillian followed her from behind

"Good work everyone!!"She jumped as her hand's waving non stop.Gillian is a very cheerful girl.Now there are only Don,Norman and Ray.

"Are those two your fans?"with a straightforward face,he ask Norman

"Surprisingly no,they respect me and they shocked to see me here.I'm glad that they help a lot"He calmly replied.Don approach them "Hey,do you still can run?"He ask and Norman shrug."Let's run for another 3 lap"
He really serious about the competition. Don nod at him and give him thumbs up.

"Ah,it's really late.I gotta go home now. goodluck!"Ray stand up but suddenly Norman grab his hand which makes Ray shocked.

"Oh,before you go,,,about the accident"Ray slowly sit down and Norman apologize for grabbing his hand out of the blue.

"I almost forgot.Don't apologize"

Norman have a serious face.He really want to know.

"This guy looks scary...."Ray thought

Ray slowly open up

"Actually...the reason why Emma involved with accident is..."

He look at Norman with a sad face.His hand is on Norman's shoulder he slowly stand up and face Norman.They both lock their eye.

"Because of you,Norman"

"Eh? Me?"He freeze.

"I can't explain more.Goodbye"

Ray manage to escape from Norman's countless question and run to his home.He doesn't want to tell Norman the truth.He's afraid that Norman gonna get hurt.

Norman just look at Ray running and disappeared.He froze for a second and think about what Ray have said.

"Emma involve with accident....because of me?"

His face looks frightened.He can't believe that he's the one who hurt Emma."What have I done??"He repeat that question in his head.Hearing that from Ray is very painful.He slowly tear up and hug himself.

"I'm sorry Emma,,,I'm very sorry....."
He whisper with a shaky voice.

He walk home with Don after he has calm down.He don't want to think about it anymore.

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