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"So,today is the day huh?" Don asking himself.He's getting ready and check his track.That's right.Today is the competition day.

And Emma decide to do the run instead of Norman


"You're here"

Norman approach him and take a sit beside him. But that raven haired emo seems to not give any positive reply.

I guess he's in bad mood

The school stadium soon crowded with people and teachers.Anna and Gilda come along to greet Emma.She has remove her cast but there's still several bandages wrapping her feet.

"Don" the president called.

"Can you take care of Emma? I'm worried about her" Don gives him a big grin "Don't worry Norman! Leave it to me!" Don gives him a thumbs up as a signal to fully trust him. There's a bunch of medal prepared for the winners.The opponents seems powerful too.

"You finally cared for her huh?" The raven finally open his mouth."It's not like that..."
Norman doesn't want to argue with him any longer so he decide to reply with a calm voice.Ray notice that Emma seems very cheerful and energetic than usual.She waves at both Norman and Ray.

Norman just giggle at her cuteness and smile softly "where did the energy come from" Ray let out sigh and rest his chin."You're worried about her too right?"
that sentences makes the dark hair guy shocked.Well he can denied it.They both worried that something bad might happen to Emma.


The sound of air horn filled the stadium which means the match has started.Emma run with a baton in her hand and she gonna pass it to Don.

You can do it! She's cheering herself.Although her leg is not fully heal yet,she still have the spirit to finish it.

"Omg omg omg it's Emma! She's back in the track!!"

"Senior Emmaaaaa!! You can do it!!"

"Don't push yourselfff senior! Hang in there you got this!!"

the sounds of Emma's supporters echoing.Obviously,most of her fans are guy.They're really envy Norman and Ray but they don't dare to go against two of them.

The cheerleader dancing and jumping.The team has a lot of supporter."Emma!! Do your best!!" Norman scream with a bright smile plastered on his face.Everyone just adore how enthusiasts Norman is.Some of them said Norman and Emma are couple. Oh well. It's a rumour.

Her heart beat fast not because she's scared. She feel overwhelmed and happy to able to be part of the running team again. "I shall not disappoint anyone. Watch me Norman,Ray"

Here the rules of the running competition ~

-there are 8 teams overall.
-1 team have 4 participants
-Each participant must run 400m and pass the baton to their teammate.
-The team who finish first won

notes: usually the first and the last runner are the Ace of the team (which mean they're so fast boii)

Emma has a big responsibility as the last runner for her team and to finish the run.Going against the other 7 different team that she isn't familiar with,,,it is truly an experience. She salute her reliable teammate and a good friend of her, who is absolutely an athlete.Gillian is the first runner and she's ready with her baton.She saw Emma who is waiting for her turn at the tent.She grin and gives Emma a thumbs up and as a sign to trust her to win.

"Don't worry Emm.We got this"

Once the loud sound of horn break the nervous atmosphere, these runners boost and run like there is no tomorrow! They really want to win the competition. Gillian almost got trespassed by a tan girl but she manage to win. She soon pass her baton asap and take her breath.

"Wohoo!! As expected from the school athlete!" Emma high five her and hand her a bottle of water. "Foo~ it's nice to run again. Ya sure ya can do this girl?" Gillian worried.Emma nod furiously "Oh come on! I'm sure I can run even more faster than you!"


"Aren't you anxious Norman?"Anna ask.She come with a drink in her hand."Why should I?" The white hair teenage replied with a confusion. "It's about her turn now"

"Anna,I believe in Emma. And so should you"


The third runner almost done with their 400m run,she then passed the baton to Emma "Good work Violet! Go and take a rest!" Emma grab the baton from her hand and quickly sprint.She can't waste any time.Her team is still in the first place.

She pushed herself although it's still hurt and manage to run half-way.

Ah....I must run...come on I can do this....almost there...I need to win..


She fell and her baton fall from her hand.She held her feet and groan in pain.

I can't.... I must run

As she tried to reach her baton,someone grab it before she do and said–

"I'll continue this run for you .I already call Anna to help and treat you"

She can't see the person's face due to the bright sun. It's so hot that day.

"Who are..."



Hehe cliffhanger. Glad to be back again :D

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