Upright: Getting Answers

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A loud gasp.

Nadia shot awake.

Everyone in the room stood, Lucio included, eyes fixed on her and bodies tense. It had been three hours since she'd come around enough to eat and then fallen back asleep. It had been three hours of Lucio anxiously wondering if she was okay while Asra and Muriel snuck off to another room to be alone and rest.

Three long hours before her eyes had opened yet again, and she seemed to truly come to it, to finally be awake and aware. To open her human eyes and look around at those who were still in her bedroom. Julian murmured something to Portia, who turned and left- likely to retrieve Asra and Muriel.

"Nadia," Lucio said softly, her eyes fixing on him finally. She relaxed a little when she saw him- a truly familiar face. The rest of us must have been a little blurry in her mind. She was still recovering. She'd remember soon enough. "How are you feeling? You aren't too hot, are you?" And he began to question her, asking about her vitals and her condition, if she was too hot or too cold, if she was still hungry or thirsty, each question politely declined as she insisted she was fine. No insulting, no vulgarities, no snapping.

Already it was becoming clear that she was different.

"Are you sure you're okay? I could get anything if you needed it-"
"Lucio, I promise, I'm fine," she offered him a smile- one that he returned after a moment. "Please, just... explain what's going on. I'm confused, and I have a slight headache. Could someone explain everything to me?"

I furrowed my brow a bit. Had she not known? How much had she forgotten? There had been a moment or so where I wondered if it would be worth it to ask... but I supposed Lucio would just shoot down and dismiss my enquiries so Nadia wouldn't have to answer in such a state, so I simply turned to face the floor, folding my arms over my chest.

Lucio, on the other hand, seemed to glance around, looking a little guilty and shaking his head to say he didnt want to do it.

"I think that should wait until the others return," he said softly, turning to glance at Julian. "Have you got anything for headaches?"

Nodding, Julian came over, beginning to check through a small satchel he kept in his pocket for situations where help may be needed. The rest of us waited for Asra's return.

It was maybe minutes before the door to the bedroom opened -- minutes of an awkward silence where I tried to keep from bursting out all of the questions that piled themselves on top of one another in my system. I was relieved at the change... partly, however. The other part had been the nip of concern. Concern that spread like flame the moment I turned and found Asra's serious stare trained on the bed the moment he had stepped into the room. Muriel was behind him, looking sleepy, his hair a bit more ruffled than normal as if he had just woken up. Asra's hair, of course, was always ruffled, but his eyes had been a bit narrowed and groggy -- I could only assume they had taken a much needed nap together.

Behind the both of them was Portia, but she stopped by the door, leaning against the doorframe and crossing her hands over her chest. She looked off to the floor, brow furrowed a bit, features a bit sharper than normal. I wanted to comfort her... but there was nothing I could say. Nothing I knew to say, anyways. So instead a turned back around, flicking my gaze to Asra, who had stopped at the side of the bed.

"Has she said anything?" Asra asked, looking up to Lucio -- disregarding the Countess as though she hadn't even been there.

Muriel stepped up beside him, and tiredly chimed in. "Is she okay, Count Lucio?"

"Nadia is fine, and she's talking," he said, offering a soft smile. "I suggested that we wait until you returned to explain everything. She's a little confused." His eyes flickered to Nadia again before fixing back on Asra, a little warmth in his smile that showed his relief, not only about Nadia being okay but that she seemed different. He was a little more optimistic than he had been before. Perhaps she could change.

Julian nodded.
"Slight headaches, but that would be reasonable with the exertion. There's no sign of any external damage and she's responsive to all questions asked, so there's no psychological damage either."

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