Goossebumps part 2

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James went to his bedroom to get dress then he went down stairs and eat breakfast and he got done eating breakfast and then he went to school and then he fell then everyone starts to laugh .then his mom came to pick him up from school and went home and then he eat dinner. Then he went up stairs into his room and then he hear something in his closet and then he look but there was nothing in there. James went in his basement and he know that someone was down there with him so he siad who is down here with me? And the he heard something fell so he went to check what fell and so he went to see what fell and it was a box and then he run back up stairs but the door shut on him and then he yelled mom dad help the door won't open and then something pull down the steps and then his mom and dad try to open the door but the door won't open so he kicked it down. And then James siad he is scared that something bad will happen? Then his dad siad don't worry James we will figure something out.then James dad went downstairs in the basement and then he saw something and then he siad what do u want from us tell me what do u want from ussss


To be continue

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