192 12 25

Alex POV

I'm doing pretty good with this challenge so far. I've found a carved-out tree trunk to hide in. Now all I do is wait.

And wait.

And wait.

The position I'm in is incredibly uncomfortable. Trying to take my focus off of my boredom, I look around at the tree trunk I'm in.

I turn my flashlight on to examine the tree trunk. Yes, I know it sounds like a ridiculous thing to do, but I'm bored. Wait a second.. what's that?

"AHH!" I scream.

The tree trunk was infested with cockroaches who were chewing through the bark around me. I scurry out of it, baffled. Great. There goes my genius hiding spot. How did I not notice the cockroaches?

Suddenly, I hear slow footsteps coming from behind the tree trunk, closer to me. Maybe I shouldn't have screamed.

I turn the other way and run as fast as I can, though it's difficult to see since I can't exactly hold my flashlight still.

I try to avoid the surface roots and sticks, though I trip over a few. However, I expertly catch myself before falling.

The slow footsteps that were approaching me are still there, but they're not as slow anymore. In fact, they seem to be getting faster and faster with every step.

I look back to see a terrifying dark figure. Every aspect of it is as dark as the darkest shade of black imaginable, except for its piercing red eyes. It runs with ease, catching up every second. Mors. The seeker.

I keep running and running, wheezes replacing my exhales of breath. I run some more until I hear the sound of running water. It sounds like a river.

The river sounds relatively far away though, so I think it'll be ok. However, the footsteps keep getting faster, and so do I, though I'm about ready to pass out. Everything gets blurry and sounds become muffled.


I've fallen into the river. The cold water wakes me up, though I'm still tired and don't know how much more I can take. I frantically flail my arms, though the current keeps dragging me under and even farther away.




I see the light.

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