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Elijah POV

We're all busily playing the game when suddenly, everything starts to go blurry and my head pounds with pain.

"Ow, I have a headache," I confess, the pain now getting so unbearable that I have to leave the table for a moment.

"Elijah, are you alright?" Ethan asks.

"I-I don't know..," I respond, now shaking.

Suddenly, everyone else seems to get it too.

"I do too," Denis claims.

"That's strange because I also have one," Alex says.

I start to get really dizzy and everything seems to spin. It seems almost as if my body is being pulled away from me. Ringing enters my ears.

Then, everything stops. It just stops. I lay on a cold ground in silence as the pain goes away, but fear enters. What in the world just happened?

Trying to regain my senses, I sit up and rub my head. My vision is still blurry, but I can sort of make out objects. All of a sudden, my vision is completely clear. That's weird. I look around to see that I'm surrounded by glass walls that are connected to a hallway that leads to a middle platform. I look ahead and see Ethan laying on the floor, though he's far away.

I look to the sides of me and see everyone else in their own glass box that connects to a hallway, in a designated corner with color coordinated, life size wolf figurines behind them. Wait a second.. color coordinated wolf figurines.. those are familiar. Wait a second! We're inside the board game! Once they've all gotten up, I immediately yell it to them.

"Guys! I think we're in the board game!" I yell from my corner, my voice echoing against the glass walls.

"Woah!" Denis exclaims.

"What's above you guys's heads?" Corl asks.

I hadn't even noticed, but there is a bar of 3 red hearts above everyone's heads. This isn't just a fun game. This is a life or death situation.

Out of nowhere, I hear wolves howling and growling. I look behind me to find that the wolf figurines have come to life. I quickly glance behind me to seek help, only to find that everyone else's figurines have come to life as well and are inching closer to them too.

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