The Question

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There are a multitude of things that can be missed. So very many things that can be craved and cause an ache behind the rib cage. Food can be missed by those suffering hunger. Shelter can be needed by the ones who find themselves in situations without it. A favorite toy lost behind a shelf may cause a child to burst into tears. Those are a little more drastic than what plagues the teen shoving a sketchpad into her bag. In Michelle's case, she always finds herself longing for a smile from someone she tries to convince herself she's immune to. Might be a goofy little smile but she craves it nonetheless. It doesn't mean she wants to see him or anything. Or maybe it does.

She's not an ice queen, she's just cautious and a little guarded. Somehow, a certain floppy haired nerd has weaseled his way between the bricks she placed so carefully around herself. It frustrates her sometimes. She didn't ask to feel anything when he looks at her or when she thinks about him. She's just trying to get through high school relatively unnoticed and now her chest feels weird whenever she thinks of a dumb boy. A smart dumb boy but still a boy she didn't want to look forward to seeing each week day.

Michelle "MJ" Jones hoists the strap of her bag over her shoulder and gives herself one last glance in the mirror. She might have spent a little extra time trying to tame the curls. It was a fail but hey, she tried. That irritates her a bit too. She tries now. She'd even spent twenty minutes looking for just the right thing to wear when she's always been dressed in five, ready to go in ten. Okay, fifteen if she's hungry. This morning just feels a little different but she's not able to put her finger on why. It's just a day like any other.

She gets to school at the same time she always does, a little early but not too early. First period is dull, she already read the required chapters and barely pays attention. She sketches instead, not even sure what she's drawing just yet but the lines are familiar. By lunch she's ready to see more than just glimpses of Peter and there's a low hum in her bones as she walks up to their table. MJ doesn't understand why she feels it or why walking up to Ned and Peter has her mood improving by at least fifty percent but the two dorks make high school a little more bearable.

"Hey, MJ." Peter's little lip tilt has her fighting a smile of her own. She's only mildly disappointed he beat her to the introductions.

"What up, dorks?" She sits a couple seats down from them. Closer than she used to but still not quite integrating herself into their group. Yet. MJ almost flinches at the thought but she's smart enough to know that's where this is leading.

She pretends the book she's pulled from her bag is more interesting than their conversation but she's eavesdropping instead of reading and steals glances at Peter when he gets animated about a movie he's wanting to see. She hides her smile by biting at her bottom lip but he's cute like this. Rambling and excited, completely clueless that she can hear every word. His eyes light up when he's passionate. She'll deny it till she dies but it makes him attractive. MJ has been spying for awhile, before she even started sitting closer she would listen in but something happens in the split second she's got her eyes on Peter that's never happened before. He glances over at her too, locking gazes.

She could look away but that's weak, that's admitting she's been sneaking glances and didn't plan to be caught. Her lungs expand and contract on a deep breath but she keeps her eyes on his. He doesn't turn away either. She thought he would. She doesn't know how this one is going to end but she's staring at him over the top of her book and he's tilted his head curiously in a way that reminds her of a puppy.

He has really nice eyes. The kind that are soft, trustworthy but a little playful. Her heart is racing, pounding, booming in her ears with every thump. She's just about to admit defeat and return to her book when he gives her that cautious goofy little smile that makes her body go warm and jumps right back into the conversation with Ned. What the hell was that? For the rest of lunch, MJ can't focus on anything and keeps her eyes on the pages in front of her. The words bleed together, she can't make sense of them. She rereads the same lines over and over because nothing is sticking. Maybe she hasn't been as subtle as she thought.

"MJ?" Oh shit. They're talking to her. Peter threw off her eavesdropping focus and now she has no idea why they're both looking at her as if they're expecting an answer to something.

"What? I was reading." She wasn't but it's the best excuse she has considering there's a book in front of her face.

"Did you want to go?" Ned asks.

"Again, I wasn't listening. Go where?" MJ can feel the tips of her ears heating. Maybe she hasn't been as stealthy at listening in as she thought. They're both looking at her as if they know she usually hears everything. The one time she stopped paying attention and now they're trying to talk to her?

"Ned and I are going to this really cool bookstore after school and you like books."

"That's not a question." She raises an eyebrow and the ball is back in her court. Peter's cheeks flush pink for a brief second before he nods.

"No, it wasn't. Do you want to come with us?" Mj opens her mouth to reply but doesn't get the chance. "Maybe you could find some books or something. You don't have to. We just thought you might want to but it's okay if you don't."

She waits a moment to see if he's going to ramble himself into backing out of asking but he gets quiet and his eyes are on hers again. He's amusing. Cute. She likes him enough that it irks her.

"Sure." Choosing to make an exit before she's caught off guard for the third time, MJ packs her book away and grabs her tray. "See you then, losers."
The last bell rings a little early and every student in Michelle's class jumps up to race for the door. She's not a fan of high school either but she doesn't get in that big of a rush at the end of the day. There's no point in becoming a human pinball just to try to get out first. The longer she takes, the more time she has to think about the plans she made with Peter and Ned. Her stomach feels a little weird and it makes her head hurt to consider the reasons why. Okay, she knows why. She's just not sure she wants to fully admit it.

Once the doorway clears, MJ takes a deep breath and wanders out into the overcrowded hallway. Maybe they'll forget they asked her to tag along and just go without her. She could lie and say she has other plans. Eating ice cream in her pajamas and theorizing why Peter always goes missing surely counts as important plans.

When she turns the corner to get to her locker, she stops mid step. They didn't forget. They're waiting...well one of them is waiting. Peter is next to her locker with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. He's looking for her and perks up as soon as he finds her in the thinning crowd.

"Hey," she says with a little wave. A wave? Seriously? Inwardly cringing, MJ quickly shoves her textbooks in her locker. "Where's Thing Two?"

"Oh uh, he wasn't feeling well. He went home."

"Maybe another time then?" It's her way out of a situation she didn't intend to be pulled into. So why does her chest clench uncomfortably when his eyes drop and his shoulders follow?

"We could still go...if you want to." He leans against the lockers, arms crossed over his chest. "It's okay if you don't. I mean why would you want to hang out with-"

"I have a few books I've been wanting. I suppose now is as good a time as any to try to find them." She isn't sure why she's agreeing to go somewhere with Peter Parker.

It was different before. If Ned was around she could sneak off, get some books and do her own thing. Maybe spy on the two boys from a distance and gather evidence for her theories. Although, she's been trying to think of ways to back out of that too. Now it's just the two of them and for some reason her palms are a little sweaty but she can't just leave.

"You want to go?" Those eyes are on her again and she rolls hers when he straightens up and shoves his hands back in his pockets, eagerness rolling off of him in waves.

"Please don't make me regret this."

"You won't! I promise. It's this really cool place with books and comics from floor to ceiling. It's amazing, MJ. It's like a maze of-"

"Peter. Already regretting it." She's not but he doesn't need to know that.

Disclaimer: Not my characters. I'm just playing with them.

A/N: Hey guys, after becoming absolutely obsessed with these two, I had to write something. This will be a continuous fic till I decide it's reached an ending. Hope you enjoy the ride.

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