"Roles of the town."

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Town team-

Investigates one person per night. Roles won't be given but their team will. Not suspicious will be The Godfather, the nuetral team, and the town team.

Heals one person every night.

Jails one person every night for information. They have the choice to execute whoever they jail. They can't jail anyone if they execute a fellow town team. The serial killer will instantly kill them.

Has the ability to talk with the dead. Can only use this ability once a night. The dead do not have to corporate.

Nuetral team-

Has one target they have to lynch. If their person dies during the night they will become a jester.

Goal is to be lynched. If lynched, anyone who voted guilty or abstained can be killed. Only one though and it's the jesters choice.

Retired war fighter. Keeps a gun on them at all times. Has only three bullets. Can shoot anyone. They will kill anyone, besides the serial killer. If they shoot a town team they will commit suicide the next night. Choose who you shoot carefully.

Can guard anyone. Town or not. If someone comes to visit the one they protected they will die as will the person who visits the person they are protecting.

Mafia team-

-The Godfather
Pretty much the commander of the mafia members. Will show up as not suspicious.

Will frame anyone for their teams murders every night. If the person the investigator investigates and the framer has framed them, then they will show up as to be on the mafia team.

Can have up to two members. Listen to The Godfather and commits a murder every night.

-Serial Killer
Listens to no one. Works alone and will kill anyone who visits them in the night.

On the night of a full moon, the werewolf will maul someone to death. A full moon is after two days and two nights.

The trickster will play pranks on everyone. They will add clues to the murder of someone. It could be the person who committed the murder or someone who did it. They don't care, they just want someone to die.

Death notes and wills are important.

Not everyone will have a role.

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